We see it everywhere these days: “Cannabis is great for your health”, “THC and CBD are very beneficial for your body”, “Take CBD to ease your mind and body”.
The beneficial impacts of cannabis products, available in store at cannabiswiki, on the human’s body are seemingly endless. If you read about all of the positive effects cannabis can provide for you, you would probably think that it is too good to be true.
CBD oils have been scientifically shown to: reduce inflammation and relieve pain, reduce anxiety and depression, alleviate cancer-related symptoms and chemotherapy-induced nausea, reduce acne, help with neuroprotective disorders like multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, reduce diabetes, improve heart health, and much more.
So what makes this relationship between our body and cannabis a perfect match? – It’s the endocannabinoid system that is found in our bodies, which is a perfect place for cannabis compounds to settle.
Well, nature never fails to amaze us! Let’s take a closer look.
What is the Endocannabinoid System
The Endocannabinoid system ECS is an amazing network found inside our bodies. It is consisted of:
- Endocannabinoids – lipid-based neurotransmitters
- Cannabinoid receptors – CB1 and CB2 (+ small number of other )
Cannabinoid receptors are found everywhere in the body: in every organ, skin, bones, connective tissues and the brain.
Your body produces the endocannabinoids which bind to these receptors in order to complete a neurotransmission process. Moreover, this system regulates most of the main metabolic processes in the body with the main intention to maintain a perfect balance.
Which Metabolic Processes are regulated by the ECS
Endocannabinoid system takes place in regulating a lot of metabolic processes in the human body such as:
- Metabolism and Appetite
- Memory
- Energy balance
- Pain Perception
- Mood regulation
- Social behavior and anxiety
- Stress management
- Inflammation
- Thermoregulation
- Sleep
- Eye pressure
- Muscle movement
- Nerves protection
- Bone growth
- Seizure activity
- And several others
Cannabis and Endocannabinoid System
So, the resemblance of the names sure is obvious, but how did this happen? Was cannabis named after the endocannabinoid system or vice versa?
The ECS was discovered by scientists who were observing the THC interaction with the human body. It was obvious for a long time that this impact is worth analyzing. Therefore, they discovered how THC molecules perfectly bind to certain receptors found throughout the body. That means that if it wasn’t for cannabis we might have never discovered this amazing system.
Cannabis compounds such as THC and CBD have chemical constructions similar to endocannabinoids produced in our bodies. They have the ability to bind to the cannabinoid receptors and affect them in certain ways which consequently so, affects all the metabolic processes endocannabinoid system controls, the ones that are mentioned above.
Cannabis definitely interferes with your ECS. However, this may be a beneficial impact if you are using the right dosage. On the other hand, it can have an opposite effect in cases of overdose.=
Prolonged heavy cannabis usage may raise your tolerance on the substances. Your CB receptors will become saturated and less sensitive to THC or CBD.
Endocannabinoid System is all About Balance
In order for our ECS to maintain balance in all the main metabolic processes, it needs our help. Eating healthy, sleeping enough, exercising and avoiding stressful situations is what we can do to keep our bodies in balance. Well, our modern living is not all about balance and this is why we rely so badly on external help.
CBD as well as THC, in some cases, can help us maintain balanced processes. Moreover, the extra help from these cannabinoids can sure help in fighting against the disbalance. For example; when we deal with the extra pain, additional cannabinoids present can help the EC system change the pain perception or fight the source of pain. Therefore, it is now easy to say that cannabis may be beneficial for all problems that occur in our body and are linked to ECS.
Here is a list of maladies you can treat with cannabis:
- Pain and inflammation
- Insomnia
- Anxiety and depression
- Post-traumatic disorder
- Multiple sclerosis
- Muscle cramps
- Nausea and vomiting
- Bowel diseases
- Weight regulation and obesity
- Arthritis discomfort
- Woman fertility
- Menstrual aches
- .. and more