Calories are units of energy, and we measure our food by how many energy units it provides for us. Our calorie needs depend on so many factors. The most important are: our weight, height, age, and level of activity we practice during the day. You must have heard someone complaining about not losing weight at least once, even if they eat only healthy food. Lots of healthy food is high in calories. That food is good for our health, but it won't help us lose weight if we eat it too much. If you plan to lose weight, you have to be in a calorie deficit.
What is a calorie deficit?
The simplest explanation is that a calorie deficit is the state you achieve by burning more calories than you consume. If you reach a calorie deficit and put your body in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight, but you will gain weight if you consume more than you burn. You are likely asking yourself how many calories to eat to achieve a calorie deficit? You can google “calorie calculator,” this calculator, with the help of information about you, will estimate your BMI. Based on your BMI, it will count how many calories you should take daily to maintain a certain weight, how many to lose, and how many to gain weight.
How to achieve a calorie deficit?
There are few things you can try to achieve a calorie deficit:
1. Change your diet
To be in a calorie deficit, you don't have to starve yourself. It doesn't even have to mean that you have to eat less.
Here are few diet tips that can help you put your body in calorie deficit:
- Eat enough protein
Protein can help you feel full, and if you feel full and satisfied, you will more likely stick to a diet plan.
- Eat low-calorie or almost no-calorie food.
Food like cucumbers, lemon, green salad, broccoli are deficient in calories, but if you eat it with every meal, it will fill up your stomach, and you will be full till your next meal.
- Don't drink your calories.
Drinks with a lot of sugar have a lot of calories, but these drinks are not nutritious. Sweetened beverages won't satisfy your hunger, and they won't provide necessary nutrients for your body. Sweetened beverages also have a negative impact on your dental health, says Smile Solutions.
- Make healthy swaps
Try finding a way to make a healthier version of your favorite food. It will be less likely to give up your diet plan by not entirely giving up your favorite food.
- Don't keep unhealthy food in your house.
You can't eat something you don't have. Also, don't go shopping hungry, make a list of groceries you need, and don't look around the supermarket a lot.
2. Work out
Choose your favorite type of physical activity and practice it more. Go to the gym, or walk instead of using public transport or car, you can also ride a bike. Remember, this won't work if you overeat, so combining exercise and a healthy diet would be best. If you don’t see any workout results, perhaps you can try adding chromium for weight loss to your diet. Chromium can enlarge lean body mass and decrease the percentage of body fat, which leads to weight loss.
3. Count your calories
You can easily find information about calories in food. Research the food you are often eating, find out about how many calories that food contains. Don't forget to weigh and measure your portion. That way, you can be entirely sure that you are staying in a calorie deficit.
Final thoughts
Contact a weight loss clinic if you have any concerns or questions about weight loss. The team of experienced professionals will inform you about everything you need to know about calorie deficit and weight loss in general. Also, there you will get adequate attention and help to reach your goal weight safely and healthily.