A business expo is a brilliant opportunity on so many levels. You get to meet clients up close, talk with customers, secure qualified leads and get lots of media attention. Not to mention, networking within the industry is so easy as all the biggest and smallest names are in one spot. However, you don’t want to get too friendly, your brand is side by side with all your rivals, so you need to put your game face on. Everybody thinks they know what they should bring to a business expo, but have you ever thought about what you need more than anything else? Let's explore these things now.
A brilliant display
The very first thing you need is a great backlit fabric display. The display is made out of high-quality aluminum and the fabric is stretched over the panels or can be stretched at attachment points. The fabric can display amazing designs that are bright, vibrant, and clearly display all the information you want to show. Everyone’s display will be bright but this kind of fabric display has scalable LED lights that can be fitted into strategic points, brightening one or more areas of choice. Maybe you have content you’re doing and you want to draw attention to it to get more people to sign up. Then place LED lights around it to highlight the signup forms.
Flexible marketing strategy
The location of your stand is also important but not always up to you. You may want to sign up for an expo as soon as it becomes available to bid for the best areas. However, you may be given a spot, considering how large your company is or how important your presence is that year. If you had a major sales year you could be given a prime spot. If not, then don’t worry. You should try to see who you’re surrounded by. Then try to shape your message as an anti-message to your rivals. If the stand behind you is offering a 15% discount on the first 100 people to buy a product, you should offer 16% or perhaps increase the number of people, etc. this is the good thing about expos, you can change your event marketing strategy on the spot.
For even more details about event marketing, see “The Ultimate Guide to Event Marketing.”
The right people
Not every employee will be good on their toes when meeting so many new people who they are all trying to impress. So picking the right team of people is crucial, perhaps the most crucial thing of all. They will be the contact that the outside world receives and they are the embodiment of your brand. So you need to choose people who are bright, friendly, have a tough resolve, have great endurance, highly motivated, and want to sell to people face to face. Take your time thinking about who this should be and always have backups who can jump in if someone needs to take a break or falls ill.
A business expo is always the best place to show the world what you have been working on. Just remember that you need to bring these three things if you want to succeed.