The way to counter anxiety is through understanding the Truth. Higher awareness is the only way.
Anxiety happens due to the fear of unknown, or the unknown fears, especially about the future. Since the fear exists NOW, the future essentially becomes clouded. In other words, if we do not use our NOW wisely, the future will be murky.
Understand that nothing belongs to us. Just look around. Your house, your car, the clothes that you wear, the transitory money in your hand, your relatives, even your own body – you own nothing! Everything came to you, to give you experiences, and everything will leave you at some point of time.
What is there to hold on to? Your Soul!
Hold on to your Soul, which is the only permanent entity in this impermanent world. All the wars, fight for possessions and power are all useless. All are unnecessary. All you need is love. Just love. All anxieties will go. Whether you are anxious or not, the future will happen and you have to face your future. There is no escape. So, why don’t we face it bravely? Head on? That’s the way to live the life – like a KING.
There are no coincidences in life. If a certain situation happens to you, subconsciously you have attracted that situation. Situations happen in life. Allow them to happen. Do not attach yourself to the emotions of a situation.
Emotion plus situation creates a file in your subconscious. Emotion is the glue that sticks the file of each situation to your subconscious. This stays in your hard drive and creates your reality again in the future. So, understand that when an incident takes place, it was supposed to happen and it was no fault of yours. Understand that there is no point in crying over spilled milk and spoiling your tomorrows. Buy another bottle of milk and keep moving. Move on with better clarity and understanding. Past is past.
The present is the only reality.
The present is the only reality. The future is yet to be, and the past is no place for you to live. Never stay in the past. Never stay with harmful emotions. If someone cheated you with money, who knows, you may have owed him that money in another life and could never pay it in time. Or, understand that money is transitory and it never stays in one place for long. It moves and you are only a temporary custodian. Another aspect of karma is that you can never choose not to pay a debt. So, pay and finish your payable.
Let go of the past.
You must forget the bad experience through higher understanding and acceptance. If you keep energizing your negative past, it is likely that it will happen again, one way or the other. This is because you are reinforcing that reality through constant energizing. Lastly, you must also forgive all those who harmed you, as they came into your life to strengthen you, and to give you those experiences. One way or the other, all these people and experiences gave you knowledge and further maturity.
Don't let the behavior of others get you down.
Understand that each person expresses himself in this world according to his character and conditioning. Their past conditioning very likely will be quite different from yours. Allow in your mind some room for that variety to exist. This way, you will not be “hurt” with any kind of behavior. Don’t let other people’s words and emotions spoil your day or pull you down
Do not keep lot of expectations in relationship with others. The average person works on conditional love while Saints and the Almighty work on Unconditional Love. People will love you, provided you conform to their expectations. If you choose to be different or change in some way, they may not continue to love you. Allow for this possibility so that you will not be too depressed about people’s behaviors toward you.
Be happy. Forgive all. Love all and respect all.
Take every smile and every kindness as a gift from God and reciprocate appropriately. You must cultivate this quality.
So, be happy. Forgive all. Love all and respect all. You will be fine.
God Bless All!
With Love,
About the Author
Mohanji is a globally respected spiritual leader and philanthropist whose presence simply turns one inwards. “True mastery is the mastery of one's own mind” says Mohanji. He guides people to free themselves from the bindings of the mind towards a liberated existence by walking along the path of awareness. He maintains that one can continue to evolve spiritually, while simultaneously living and experiencing a life of a normal, everyday person. To him, spirituality is a lifestyle based on peace and harmony.
Purity, faith, unconditional love and selfless service towards fellow beings are the pillars of Mohanji's tradition. His teachings are simple and universal, not tailored to any specific religion or nationality.
He founded the Mohanji Foundation, an organization dedicated to spreading inter-faith understanding globally, which guides people to live a life filled with awareness and love, beyond boundaries of country, religion, race, color or creed.
Mohanji also founded ACT Foundation a global charity based in USA, South Africa, Macedonia, Serbia, UK, etc. ( & – that are engaged in selfless service to people across the globe in the areas of food, clothing, shelter and livelihood.
Finally, he founded the Mohanji Youth Club, a global network whose mission is to empower youth from all walks of life to live a positive, ethical and purposeful life.
Mohanji is a permanent invitee to the Peace Pledge Project, which brings together spiritual leaders to promote peace across the world.
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