Buses are oversized vehicles that can carry up to 300 passengers at a time. The most enormous loads of people are carried by double-decker buses as they are commonly seen in England, and smaller loads are carried by minibuses. The modern bus is manufactured worldwide with the same design appearing worldwide.
Understanding Bus Accidents
In today's modern times, the average person will use a bus, either for public transportation, tourism, or when they are traveling on a coach bus to a long-distance location (such as out of state), or a child in School-age will take a bus to and from school. While we rely heavily on buses for public transportation and transporting children to school, there is a strong possibility that a lot of people have a false sense of security when riding the bus.
Buses, like any other mechanical object such as a car or plane, may malfunction, may fall into disrepair, may have mechanical problems due to lack of maintenance, and errors may occur when the bus driver is not moving. Responsibly. When any of these things go wrong, it can put the lives of those who ride the bus in danger.
Common factors that can cause a bus accident
Common factors that can cause a bus accident include but are not limited to the following:
- Poor bus maintenance (any mechanical issues, including tires)
- Product defect (defective car part)
- Driver negligence (drunk driving, texting while driving, driving with lack of sleep, etc.)
- Another driver on the road causing an accident
According to the Federal Highway Transportation Safety Administration, in 2008, there were 11,000 accidents with bus injuries, and 24,000 people were injured. These statistics show that bus accidents can and do happen. Unlike motor vehicles, most people who ride buses are not wearing a seat belt, which means that their bodies are at increased risk of being crushed by other passengers, who are at increased risk of injury in the head, and that they are at risk of being thrown off the bus during an accident. This is scary when you consider the possibility of small school children who may roll over in a school bus collision.
Bus Accident Lawyer
Bus accidents cannot be ignored, and one needs to understand that most bus accidents are the result of negligence, just like road accidents. If you or someone you care about was injured in a bus accident, you have rights. Our bus accident attorneys are intimately familiar with bus accidents and their causes. They will carry out their investigation into the cause of the accident to determine legal liability. Since many factors come into play, it will be necessary for the firm to conduct a thorough and detailed investigation into the matter.
Whatever the cause of the bus accident, you are urged to contact a bus accident attorney as soon as possible. The sooner a company attorney can start helping you, the better your chances are of receiving the compensation you deserve.