So, you ended up in San Francisco with new colleagues. San Francisco has been at the forefront for so many American stories. From the beginning of the American dream with the search for gold to the sexual revolution in the 80s, San Francisco has it all.
However, outside of a monotonous cubicle, even the Golden Gate Bridge doesn’t look majestic. So, for getting a feel of the place it's absolutely vital that you try traveling. And with San Francisco’s rich and vibrant background you won’t be lacking in options. You can plan ahead and arrange for transportation accordingly. The first option is, of course, to rent cars for the transport of the entire group, but, in a city like San Francisco, it can lead to a lot of confusion. You might rent a San Francisco charter bus and get a proper quotation to get through the entire trip without any problems.
There are some excellent meditation and wellness centers for your outdoor trips outside of your regular environment. Plan in accordance to your convenience and the occasion. Here are some venues you can select from.
1) Spirit Rock
Silence is something you don’t experience a lot in busy city life. Spirit Rock offers exactly that service. With different types of meditation available for all age groups, a visit is sure to improve your team’s focus and help you relax. Book your programmes from a time ahead and have excursions into nature to make the most of this.
2) Esalen Institute
Nowadays most of the work we do is filtered through a computer screen. This means that you may go the whole day without any real human interaction at all. The Esalen Institute is something built for providing an escape from the computer. Say goodbye to your gadgets and engage in proper conversation. The seats are often booker out by Silicon Valley honchos, so, advance booking is highly recommended.
3) Mayacamas Ranch
Another famous retreat, the Mayacamas Ranch offer wellness meditations and yoga retreats. Either Way, you’ll be greeted with lush green field and lessons in how to approach problems calmly. If you work in a stressful environment, booking ahead and going for lessons here can be a great way for you to enjoy yourself.
4) Ananda Meditation Retreat
Being in San Francisco is interesting. The barrage of vehicles and work can make you forget the nature that waits beyond the glass doors. Ananda Meditation techniques take a leaf out of old Indian philosophy and create a programme that depends on giving back to nature. The 70 plus acres of green fields offer a wonderful respite from the concrete jungles of everyday life.
5) 1440 Multiversity
A trip to Santa Cruz forests leads to this quaint little retreat. The entire area is shrouded in nature, but, provides access to everything you might need. Take a cup of coffee and enjoy a weekend-long binging session of Netflix with your friends. Engage in yoga classes every morning and go for treks to get a feel or how much better the world can be.
6) Mendocino Centre
When was the last time you cooker an entire meal? Today’s generation lives almost exclusively off delivery apps and Ramen packets. While this might be a quick solution in the short run, you can say goodbye to longtime woes with a wellness cooking class here. Learn how to unlock the potential of vegetables and make delectable food that everyone can do together. Cooking is also a beautiful team-building experience, just check out any well-functioning restaurant.
All of the retreats here are professional and you can rest assured that you wouldn’t miss any key work detail while you’re there. However, they are also some of the most popular retreats in the area, so, booking ahead is a necessity, we also recommend taking a page out of a Yogi’s book and planning this retreats around a long weekend so that you can benefit maximally.