Video games date back as far as the 1950s. Initially, these games were designed by computer scientists as a part of their research projects or just for fun in their spare time. With time, a whole industry developed around these games, causing their use to spread all around the world. Currently, a good number of people now own one or more video games.
Video games are no longer just for fun or passing the time! Different professional experts have come up with ways in which video games can be used to treat various conditions. These games have been proven to be effective in improving brain activities – helping people deal with depression, build on skills, among others. Here are a few cases of what video games can accomplish in different societies:
Help with memory
Traditionally, video games were highly viewed as instruments aiding in brain deterioration while in actual sense, video gaming has a positive effect on the mind. All video games can help improve your memory. However, the more complex the game is, the better the results. Experts recommend one to play a challenging game a few hours a day, or once a week to help improve the memory. By exercising your brain, the games can help in preventing or slowing down the conditions that slow down the mind, such as dementia.
Therapy for the mentally challenged
Research shows that playing video games can be therapeutic for patients with mental disorders. Such diseases include post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's.
Even though video games have been known to cause mental health issues, research shows that it can be used to treat common mental problems like depression and anxiety. Experts explained that playing video games for 30 minutes a day can treat depression and anxiety to a level closer or even more than prescription medicine. Most effective games that have shown tremendous results are puzzle games. Playing these games gives the patient time away from their everyday pain. Eventually, the person will end up not overthinking on life issues.
Social interaction
Many people struggle with social interaction, especially people with mental illness. Experts have proven that with the help of video games, people fighting to socialize with their peers can slowly begin interacting with other people.
Slow down the aging process
While brains of seniors might not function in the same way as young adults, video games can help improve brain functionality. This, in turn, helps keep the body energized. This doesn't, however, mean video games are the cure to old age. Playing brain-teasing games, puzzles, and other challenging games will slow mental decay, enabling one to remain vibrant. You can visit different game websites like and more.
Help kids read better
Many parents are always discouraging their children from playing video games. Since time immemorial, video games have been duped “bad for the young brain.” A recent study, however, disputes this notion. According to research, video games can help kids with dyslexia to read better. The study suggests using action games or fast-moving games to help kids read faster. Having the kids play such games a few hours a day will result in a significant change in their reading skills.