We’ve all been there from time to time…sitting alone with your thoughts wondering, “when is MY time gonna come???”
Well, I hate to break it to you guys, but your time is NOW and whether you hate or love me for saying so, the truth remains that the Universe cannot provide to you what you do not believe you deserve.
Sooo…let’s put this into perspective. Say we want a relationship where we feel safe, loved and heard. We feel deep down that we do so many things to show up this way ourselves, so what gives with this feeling that we aren’t getting it back?
Well, regardless of what your other half is or isn’t doing, anything done with expectation of something back is not done out of love and is NOT a genuine act of giving or contribution. In other words, it comes with conditions and strings attached, and most likely the other people involved have NO idea!
So, what this means is when you deliver and get no “thank you”, while it might leave your feeling unappreciated or unseen, this feeling isn’t coming from the other person at all. It coming from a trigger they simple acted as a catalyst for within you. This trigger is simply communicating to you that you are acting with expectations, rather than just acting for the sake of acting.
You see, what we do is ultimately who we are and what we are remembered for (or not). And when we genuinely like what we’re doing, we will genuinely like who we are, and the act gets to keep its integrity. We do it because it’s simply “who we are”. We don’t do it because “it’s our job” or “they expect me to”. Acting from those places ALWAYS comes with extra baggage in the form of guilt, shame, resentment and often anger that gets stuffed deep down until it explodes.
However, when we do things simply because of the joy we receive from doing them, with NO expectations in return, while it may seem counterintuitive, this actually creates a space of allowing those exact feelings of gratitude and appreciation to return to you. Why? Because they can’t come back in any other way, and that my friends, is the greatest trick and greatest rewards of working with the Universe.
Without complete trust, the Universe will not deliver. It doesn’t play favorites and it doesn’t punish or reward us either. It does, however, respond to energy and how you feel about yourself, what you feel about what you’re doing and why, and what you feel you’re worthy of, all determine not only how quickly, but also how obvious the Universe is going to bring those mental manifestations to your door.
We don’t need to LEARN how to manifest! We are natural born creators. It’s what we’re here for, so if anything we simply need to be reminded of it. I think in the “spiritual” community there is way too much focus on “positivity” when in truth we are manifesting ALL THE TIME regardless of how we are feeling and what we are putting out there. And honestly, I feel that it’s more important to know that first, so you understand that life is not happening TO you, but rather THROUGH you.
And when we regain that sense of power in our own lives, again while paradoxical, it allows us the comfort to let go and trust. Because we begin to see that hard times are not punishments, they are lessons and the energy we brought to them ultimately determined how easy or hard it was to get through it. We often can be our toughest critics and add a ton of mental weight to our already struggling minds when dealing with personal issues.
We finally learn that in order for the Universe to truly deliver what you DO want in your life, we must embody the gratitude that it already exists there. But it doesn’t stop there. We must trust that it is also on its way, and KNOW IT! The knowing makes it so and trust me, you will begin to see it happen more and more the more willing you are to try.
When we finally agree to our soul that it’s time to show up, the Universe finally sighs a breath of relief that you remember your own awesomeness. I often wonder if it thinks to itself, finally…they finally get it that they’re me, and I’m just them in action when they truly believe in themselves…
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.