By Laura Graham
Deciding whether or not to send their child to daycare or preschool is a big deal for many parents. For some, it’s a necessity in order to be able to go to work whereas for others it’s more of a conscious decision.
Some parents send their children to preschool five days a week whereas others chose one or two days. But whatever your personal circumstances and schedule, there are some significant benefits to sending your childcare. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the major reasons why preschool is important for a child.
It establishes a routine
As emotional as it might be for you to leave your child in the care of others for the first time, familiarising your child with this kind of routine early on can make life a lot easier in the long term. Getting them used to being dropped off at preschool and picked up, later on, will encourage their independence as well as get them used to be in a more structured environment. This will then make sending them to school a lot easier further down the track.
It encourages social development
By sending your child to preschool you are enabling and encouraging them to play and co-exist with other children. They will learn how to share, compromise, be respectful and problem solve. By allowing them to play with other children in a safe and semi-structured environment, you are giving them the tools to build self-confidence and learn to explore, make decisions and accomplish tasks without a parent.
It helps develop cognitive & language skills
At daycare, children enjoy a range of activities that can help to develop both cognitive and language skills. From storytime and singing to creative play, they will be given the support they need to gradually build on the skills they need. And of course, all of these activities will be driven and supervised by experienced professionals who understand how your child’s brain is developing.
It helps with school readiness
Daycare and preschool are about so much more than babysitting. Great daycare facilities should have structured academic programs in place to help make sure that your child is fully equipped for the challenges that are ahead. This doesn’t mean reciting times tables and teaching advanced French to two-year-olds, but rather introducing the necessary knowledge and soft skills required to survive in a school environment. From teaching songs about the alphabet to encouraging independence, a decent preschool will have a program specifically designed to give your child everything they need to thrive at school.
Preschool and daycare have long been regarded as necessities for parents who work part or full time. And whilst this is indeed a reality of balancing work and family life, keeping your child safe whilst you’re off at work only one of the many benefits of daycare.
A good daycare center can offer so much more than basic babysitting between 8 am and 6 pm. Great preschool centers offer social and academic development that can build the foundations required for your child to succeed in later life. And as an added bonus, it can help you and your child to meet other children and parents in the area. Who knows, you could both end up making some lifelong friends!