Regardless of whether you are planning to lose just 5 kgs or 15 kgs, the principle that will govern the weight loss program will be the same. The metabolic rate differs from one person to another. As such, diet plans or medication will be different for two individuals.
In this article, let us find out more about the following:
- Importance of weight loss
- Tips for healthy weight loss
Let us take one topic at a time. However, it is important that prior to taking the plunge, it is a wise move to consult a medical practitioner first, preferably an MD. As such, you can also approach Maranatha MD.
1. Importance of weight loss
Maintaining a healthy weight or rather BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate helps you in going a long way as far as keeping fit is concerned. Not only that, having an optimum weight not only affects you positively from the physical point of view but emotionally, you are in a better state. And this is of great importance as you are in a better position to take on the challenges of life with much ease.
Aside from that, you can prevent yourself from falling prey to a deadly disease that might incapacitate you. The ailments that you can keep at bay include the following-
- Stroke
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Sleep apnea
- Certain types of cancer
- High cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood
2. Tips for healthy weight loss
Check out the following tips:
- You must develop awareness on your own first about the many benefits that you will enjoy after weight loss. This must come from within. And it is then that you will follow the norms of weight loss religiously.
- Do not skip meals. This is not the right approach to stop eating. Just follow the simple rule that has been coming down to several generations, namely. Eat breakfast like a king, have a medium lunch, and eat like a pauper at night.
- Maintain a regular and healthy timing for your food. It means to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time daily. There might be deviations but try to maintain the time as much as possible.
- Concentrating on your diet alone will not suffice. You have to follow an exercise regimen too religiously. Walking is perfect for your heart. Brisk walking is a must if you are not keen on spending time at the gym. Remember, spending hours at the gym will not help you unless you get the results.
- Incorporate healthy food items in your diet with an optimum inclusion of all the essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, cereals, minerals, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. If required, you can sit with a nutritionist and work out a diet plan.
- Take your weight before you embark upon the weight loss program, once when you reach halfway. Measure your weight not frequently, but at intervals.
- Set a target weight and also a target period within which you have to attain desired weight.
Last but not least, do not expect results overnight. It takes a lot of patience, perseverance, and positive attitude and approach to get the best results over time.