Martin Seligman showed that these top 3 exercises increased people happiness levels, even when performed for just one week. People were able to spike their happiness levels simply by doing the gratitude visit alone! Try all 3 exercises, and notice how your actions affect your thinking.
1. Three Blessings
- Before you go to bed, write down three good things that happened during the day.
- Then, write down why each of them happened.
2. Gratitude Visit
- Think of someone who has done something important for you whom you have never properly thanked.
- In a letter, write down exactly what they did for you and the specific consequences that occurred in your life because of their actions.
- Take care to write specific details.
- Write and rewrite it multiple times. Polish the letter and make it shine!
- Concentrate on presentation. Handwrite it or use calligraphy. Use your own personalcreativity.
- Meet with the person face-to-face and read the gratitude letter to them.
- This is a very powerful activity. Don’t forget to bring tissues, as the tears may flow.
3. Use Your Signature Strengths in New Ways
- Review the list of 24 signature strengths. (See the list below)
- Think of ways you already use them in your life.
- Brainstorm ways you can use these strengths even more.
- Write down specific ways you can use them.
- Commit to using your strengths in new ways this week.
6 Virtues and 24 Signature Strengths
James Pawlelski, PhD mentions 6 virtues and 24 signature strengths. Here is a list of those traits.
6 Virtues:
Wisdom, Courage, Love, Temperance, Justice, Transcendence
24 Signature Strengths:
1. Love
2. Hope
3. Humor
4. Creativity
5. Curiosity
6. Perspective
7. Bravery
8. Persistence
9. Integrity
10. Vitality
11. Kindness
12. Citizenship
13. Fairness
14. Leadership
15. Prudence
16. Gratitude
17. Spirituality
18. Self-regulation
19. Love of learning
20. Social intelligence
21. Humility/modesty
22. Open-mindedness
23. Forgiveness and mercy
24. Appreciation of beauty and excellence
May your happiness and contentment with your life increase my friend. Remember comparison is not a friend, but in the contrast you will see much beauty if you look for it. Julia

Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.