What makes one feel vulnerable, fragile and maybe even frightened? For some it could be walking at night alone, for another maybe getting on a plane and then there is the big one, the thought of losing a loved one.
Are any of us immune from the challenges of this physical life? Our life experiences somewhat determine our responses. Yet, our choices during those times of strife, uncertainty, confusion and grief can offer relief and comfort.
Who is your teacher? Could there be a better teacher than wisdom? How do you find such a thing? I have but one answer to this complex question. Within you is the innate wisdom from all ages and times. A resource that can be trusted and is true. Not one person is without the touch of eternity within them, whether they feel it or not.
Presently, I am walking through days of uncertainty as my husband is critically ill. Within this past week he declined from serious to critical. It’s a shaky place right now. The only thing I know to do is to take it a moment, a minute, an hour at a time and do the best I know.
So a few days ago when I was feeling especially vulnerable and a bit scared, I turned to the one that I knew could guide me. I asked my higher self. I followed Jesus and Lao Tzu, my teachers. They along with many other sages showed by their words and life to look higher than oneself to know the answers. The answers are within.
So I asked myself, What do I do when I am genuinely scared? Then I wrote….
Good question, Julie. Let me tell you.
First of all, let go of all concerns and make peace with everyone and everything around you.
Second, take it a moment at a time. Don’t go back and don’t go forward. Stay in the moment, that is where the grace, the peace and the healing occurs.
Thirdly, don’t rely on physical strength, ingenuity, or genius. This is a non physical experience.
Gain strength from the family and friends that support you.
Gain strength from the man that is having the struggles and support him.
Know that everything is always about an opportunity for growth. That’s the summation of the physical experience of Earth.
Be at peace. No matter what, all is ok. We are more than flesh and blood.
This is pretty simple, yet it gave me profound relief and I followed the directives and continue to do so. We are all trail blazers as we follow a terrain that is new and the path unclear. Let us not shrink in the time of uncertainty, let us smile and know that we have resources within to guide us and help in time of need. Take time each day to refresh and renew that relationship with your higher self. It the firm foundation for any experience wanted or unwanted.
Be at peace my friends and feel the love, Julia
(I love my name Julia, but I think of myself as Julie and that’s how my family and most friends know me 🙂
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, daughter, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.