Although many things could be said about the numerous vices of humans, there is one thing at which we are great: perseverance. No, we are not by any stretch close to tardigrades, who can survive under the solid ice, in space, but also in extremely high temperatures, but we are pretty good at it as well. In 1906 Mathieu Jaboluay performed a renal transplant. No, back then there weren’t any 3D printers; the kidneys that he used belonged to a pig and a goat.
Thankfully, we’ve come a long way since then. In many cases, we no longer need donors; we can just print the needed organs. Not all organs can be printed yet, but at this pace, we will get there soon. The advancements in medicine make it possible for us to live longer, and to make our lives as undisturbed as possible. The first attempts, of which many were unsuccessful, were done without the help of any computers; those came many years later. Still, the perseverance of those pioneers made it possible to save so many human lives.
Right now, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy things that many years ago would cost a fortune, f.e. drug testing kits and quick fix. The technological progress made our lives easier in many ways indeed. To learn more about the history of artificial organs transplantation, check out this infographic, provided by Quick Fix Synthetic.