Continual Process of Confrontation
In the shift of Human Consciousness into higher dimensional awareness, we're often talking about ‘letting go' of the lower density. But what does it mean? How do we truly let go? It's quite prevalent in the human psyche that there's a subtle inner program that makes people want to avoid challenging and difficult circumstances. It's certainly conditioning from society. To me though, truly letting go, is a continual process of confrontation of the moment – that which we might want to avoid – and instead, surrendering into what we really feel…
Surrender is not blind acceptance
Another term that often gets spoken of in spiritual circles is that of ‘acceptance' – accepting totally without reservation what appears on our landscape. I agree with this wholeheartedly, but what actually IS appearing on your consciousness landscape? Again we have to be careful of avoidance here. Some will say “if it doesn't feel right, then don't do it. If it doesn't flow, then it can't be coming from the soul. So just let go and do something else.”
“But sometimes to be in the flow is for nothing to be flowing at all.”
It could be that resistance in the field is exactly what we need to discover a new facet of beingness.
Explore The Sacred Ground of Being…The Quintessence of Who We Are
Synchronicity and the natural pull of the soul
What I mean by this is that synchronicity and the natural pull of the soul doesn't take us into the ‘good' places without first confronting the ‘bad' – that which makes us tight and close down. Because it is only through this inner confrontation that we expand, evolve, and grow…
If you want to be courageous, pray for situations that require courage If you want to be forgiving, pray for situations that cause you to forgive If you want to be expanded and light, pray for situations that are dark and close down. To be truly free, we must confront that which takes our freedom away, For it is only us that truly determines how we experience life.
Discovering the Qualities of Your Soul…The Seven Rays of Consciousness
Profound self-honesty
So it would seem that we face a paradox then. On the one hand, there's a sense of rightness to the flow of the soul. There's a knowing of when we're truly aligned.
And when we're in the flow of the ‘rightness', then synchronicity just clicks into place, supporting our actions. But then on the other hand, the flow will take us into the places we get tight – places that don't feel so good.
It's all about profound self-honesty. When we're being truly honest with ourselves, we know what the soul is really inviting of us and we know when we're in avoidance – our actions just don't feel right. Even (and especially) if everything feels easy.
What does it mean to be Authentic?
It's all about ‘transcendence'. Having the courage to confront the moment as it truly is, to accept what is appearing on our landscape, then to go deeply into the feelings that arise.
These feelings may be very dense, dark and unpleasant. Nevertheless, to truly clear the energy and evolve past it, we must go into it, feel it again and liberate that aspect of our soul which is identifying with it.
The remarkable paradox is, that when we truly do this, it is not that hard to process the energy. And with this transcendence, there usually follows amazing expansions, infusions of healing energy, and the sense of Enlightenment.
To me, this is what it truly means to let go. Check out this clip from a previous Openhand seminar capturing the essence of the approach…
If you feel inspired, come and get involved with Openhand's 5D Ascension Program
In loving support
About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth's Higher Dimensional Shift.
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