Menopausal changes are not a disease or pathology as well as menopause signs. This is a natural result of the development of the organs of the reproductive system. When, having fulfilled their mission in their young years, organs cease menstrual function and lose their ability to conceive and bear children. In medicine, there is such a thing: age-related involution of the body. The meaning of this biological process is the gradual restructuring of the work of organs and systems to another – the elderly level.
Many women undergo body restructuring physiologically safely, without presenting serious complaints about their well-being. They continue to live actively and have no idea how menopause manifests itself or how it begins. However, there is a large number of those whose menopause symptoms bring a lot of inconveniences.
What are the symptoms of menopause?
Symptoms of menopause make themselves felt already at 43-45 years old, that is, during perimenopause. Therefore, in order to survive it as painlessly as possible and to alleviate its stressful effects on the body, even young girls should know the signs of menopause. Although, it has to be mentioned that all the manifestations of the climacteric changes do not indicate themselves at once. They can be divided by the time frames.
Among early indications (after 40-43 years of age) that signalize the menopausal period onset (perimenopause) doctors distinguish such symptoms of menopause:
Hot flashes;
Increased sweating;
Increase or decrease in blood pressure;
Impaired concentration and attention;
Decreased libido.
Next signs of menopause (47-52) specialists classify as mid-term:
Dry vagina;
Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia);
Itching and burning;
Urethral Syndrome (urinary incontinence);
Dry and brittle nails;
Dryness and hair loss.
During the late postmenopause, i.e. the last stage of climacteric changes (55- till the end of life), experts name the following menopause symptoms:
Cardiovascular diseases;
Postmenopausal osteoporosis;
Menopause symptoms treatment
The most widely used method to combat the unpleasant signs of the change is the usage of hormone replacement therapy. It effectively relieves vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes, hyperhidrosis, palpitations, etc.), normalizes sleep, improves mood and overall well-being, and also prevents the development of atrophic changes in the urogenital tract. At the same time, the appointment of hormone therapy for menopause symptoms or manifestations of urogenital atrophy counteracts some age-related metabolic disorders, of which dyslipidemia (a violation of fat metabolism) and a decrease in bone mineral density are of particular importance.
The main active ingredient is the estrogen of natural origin. They can significantly alleviate climacteric changes, symptoms of menopause, and prevent the development of disorders. Progestins (gestagens) in the body are responsible for ensuring the onset and normal course of pregnancy (gestation). They also contribute to the formation of a healthy endometrium (uterine mucosa). It is thanks to this property that progestins are used as part of hormonal preparations: they prevent the development of endometrial hyperplasia (benign growth of its tissues). Still, HRT has disadvantages which should be discussed with a doctor.