I believe one of the most beneficial, wondrous, magical attributes we can possess at any given time is inspiration. Inspiration leads us by the hand and heart to places yet to be imagined or even understood consciously. It calls to us, gently but persistently, beaconing us to sit a spell, to write, to draw, to learn, to love, to create or not, to just be in the moment. A tender calling, a tug that words may escape. The inner feeling of curiosity wakes, evoking a longing, a desire to engage. Engage what one may ask? That is the mystery of inspiration, because it is illusory. It is a shadow, formless, a color not yet experienced and it has no name.
How is Genius birthed?
Inspiration’s task is to engage your heart and your being beyond what you are currently experiencing. The process may seem time consuming. It is. The time taken may seem wasteful. It isn’t. The process may seem unexplainable and this is also true as it takes shape. Yet, the byproduct which may take minutes, days, weeks or even years to birth is genius. This genius always lives in you, most often just beyond grasp. It is not available by calling to it, because it may be shy. Although always available, however its dormancy is relinquished through the action of non-being. Non-being is the state of least resistance, of flow, of liberation even when shackles seem to be on your hands or feet. It is the place between thoughts and also the place between the rock and the hard place. It is the place of beauty and it is the place of confusion. In the confusion place: It is in the letting go of confusion and frustration that genius emerges.
Your Pure Heart
It comes by and is found by yielding the ego, the expectations, the grasp of control. It is following the true heart within. The purity that is yours. This pure heart is never tainted no matter what has occurred to you or by you. Purity can get covered by layers and layers of stuff, but underneath it is radiant as gold and tough as a diamond. It is yours always, it is your essence, your soul, your eternal quality that not only encompasses you, but every other soul.
Oneness of All
Some recognize energy within them by feeling others’ joys or pains. This can cause distress or even depression if not fully understood. But, when realized and awakened to this oneness of all, then one can learn how to protect ones’ heart, ones’ essence and radiate purity, love, compassion. We often get stuck by allowing the negative feelings and energy of others to influence our being.
Magic Occurs Here
Becoming unstuck is where liberation is experienced. Flow occurs when one moves past the rock, out of stagnation and on and upward to new heights. This continues on to inspired living and joyous existence even while circumstances may show the contrary. Magic occurs here. Is this possible you ask? It is I respond. I experience it, I live it. Sometimes with great smiles and sometimes with tears. Sometimes with confidence, sometimes with doubt. Yet, inspiration and a pure heart are always with me.

Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.