These are amazing times of great transformation for the earth and for humanity. People everywhere are graciously stepping out of the darkness of separation and disconnection from the divine. With each passing day, ever more are realising their interconnectedness and at-one-ment with all life. It is a breath taking liberation! But as souls emerge, there are still many traps and fixations. We must not settle in fixed reality constructs. The soul is a continually inquiring, exploring and unwinding ‘creature', at the core of our experience. It's expression is intimately interrelated with Enlightenment.
That's why we must be careful not to slip into the uniformity of the ‘non-duality' trap…
In non-duality you cease to exist
When you step out of identification with the lower three densities, the expansion into the 4D is utterly amazing, practically beyond words. Initially you may feel light, expanded and free. It can be so liberating, it's quite often the case, that people feel they've already attained the mystical state of “Enlightenment” of which many are now speaking.
Crucially, the contrast between the disconnect of unawakened living, and the interconnection that the expansion unfurls, can be so poignant, that you feel at-one with everything. And the realisation may then dawn, that at some place, you and everything around you are indeed one. BUT, if you contemplate it deeply, that condition can only exist at the level of the absolute, where everything does indeed merge back into pure presence – that which precedes the manifest.
Consider it carefully: as you – your soul – merges back into the absolute potential of presence, there can be no experience at all at this point; because there is no relativity, no “this” and “that”. Hence when there really is the condition of “non-duality” of which the mainstream speaks, then experience has dissolved. You cease to exist.
How then, is it possible to be in an “Enlightened state” of presence, and still be in existence?
The last great attachment is to that of non-attachment!
To master this, you have to hold a duality – two apparently contrasting truths simultaneously: internally there is the state of presence at the core of your experience and through your experience, which is a non-experience in the background, like the canvas upon which the masterpiece is painted; and, AT THE SAME TIME, there is a flowing experience of coloufull soul, a brush stroke on the canvass, which is completely unique to you.
The last great attachment, is that of non-attachment!
Student: master, I have reached the state of oneness, all is perfect
Zen Master: tell me more…
Student: I am at one with the divine, there is no duality
Zen Master: what else?Let's be clear, if a part you owns a particular state – if it fixates on a particular phenomenal experience, then in that moment, the risk is to build identity, which then disconnects from the flow of the soul, which in turn dissolves out the possibility of true presence – you may attain a bubble of peace, but not the real thing (which is a no-thing!). I witness many people on the path thinking they're in the ‘non-dualistic' enlightened state, but are actually stuck in – attached to – an expanded 4D bubble. In many cases, the psyche has installed a ‘trip switch', saying….”drop any feeling of separation, tightness or attachment”. And this becomes a subtle inner identity doing so.
Student: I am….
Zen Master: what else?
Student: I……..
Zen Master: what else?
Student: no reply…dissolving into state of oneness
Zen Master: strikes the student hard across the face
Student: OOOUUUCCCHHHH!!!!!!!
Zen Master: well who felt that then!
Check out this Openhand Article on Unwinding Inner Identities
The One Hand clapping conundrum
Let's be clear, you cannot intentionally aim for pure presence and truly find it. Because in the very moment that you do, you've already subtly established the inner condition of separation. You've said to the Universe…”I'd like to let go now and become the One”. But who is the “I”? You've already established, in your subconscious, the inner separation of the “I” from the absoluteness of the One.
It's a one hand clapping conundrum!
So, what I'm saying, is that the truly enlightened state, is where your consciousness has mastered the ability to hold a duality of apparently contrasting truths SIMULTANEOUSLY: the separation in you has surrendered into the unique flowing experience that is the soul; AND THIS intimately interconnects you with the sense of presence within, which in itself, is a non-experience. Which is the sense of presence.
So is there anything you can do to attain that state? Bearing in mind that to aim for the state itself, is to already prevent you attaining it.
Ride the wave of the soul
I believe there most definitely is. If you, as the separation, work to dissolve into the fullness of what you truly are – which is the expression of the soul – then you'll be riding the wave of the soul, and as such, this will deliver you onto the shores of the One inside of you; you'll discover it progressively, until one day, all the lights come on, and stay on. Crucially, you don't have to aim or effort to get there. And neither do you have to dissolve the glorious story that is you – your soul.
What this means, is that you can have your apple and eat it too!
in fact, I would say, that's what the Universe is inviting of you:
to fully enjoy the apple of all experience, and yet not be attached to it.
How might we then attain this ever flowing state of truly enlightened experience?
It is to embrace everything that shows up on your path, not to deny or push anything away. Instead to bring the full light of awareness into it. Crucially you're looking for the doorways of tightness within those experiences – where you attach or close down or where you disconnect in aloofness. These are the places to identify and work within.
Here's how to ride the wave of the Soul with the Openhand Approach
How might we best work in the places of tightness?
At Openhand we apply what we call the “Breakthrough Approach”:
Honour the truth of the moment, exactly as it is
Express fully into the tightness
Become as-One with the tightness by completely accepting it
Unwind the natural feeling of soul that wants to emerge out
It is straightforward, but not always simple. Some of the inner layers on the journey back to the One are complex, based on past life karma, that can be subtly deceptive and limiting – like the non-duality trap for example. The essential key is profound self honesty and owning the manifestations that you create and draw to you. If there's disharmony in the ‘mirror', why did you create it?
Everything around you, all sentient life and people, are mirrors your soul draws, which reflect both the distortion and the new beingness that wants to emerge as soul. But if you keep honouring what shows up and keep inquiring, the soul will break through, and you'll be delivered onto the welcome shores of the One inside. You'll progressively come home to presence, after which, you're constantly living in it, but with each moment shaping ever new relativistic experience.
This inner journey is reflected miraculously into our outer world. Each moment delivers bounteous abundance of experience, both distorted and aligned, all of which are designed to continually bring you back to the abode of the One, AND to have a reflective experience of that, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. You're constantly manifesting new materiality and tasting it too.
So beware the non-duality trap on the flowing path of Enlightenment. Because it limits the full unbridled emergence of soul, and delivers instead, only an expanded 4D bubble, which although initially may feel very harmonious and peaceful, ultimately becomes very limiting. Look deeper, into the truly expanded Universe – a veritable kaleidoscope of colour, change and transformation. Not only is it at times peaceful, but it's also crashing and smashing as entire world's come and go. Each has its unique story, just as you do. And when you truly discover the story of your soul and unleash it, then even in that incredible crucibal of transformation, you become immortal. Like the rainbow that emerges through the rain, your soul breathes colour through the all of it.
In loving support
PS: Openhand leads worldwide courses supporting the emergence of soul.
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About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us…Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV