There is a trend of sustainable living that is getting more and more popular among people all over the planet. It is a very complex subject with a lot of implications, life changes and ways of doing things and it basically relies on saving resources from the ones that you can find in nature to money and space. A sustainable lifestyle involves trying to save the planet little by little, by reducing the use of the classical way of producing energy. This practice is important and so laudable because we all know the earth is going to some bad climate changes that affect not only the wildlife population, but also the life quality of all the inhabitants of the planet. Pollution is a serious matter that plays a role and it’s linked to global warming. So anything that we, as humans, can do to decrease and stop it is welcomed. Sustainable living is an opportunity to make things better for the sake of everyone and everything and to reduce the carbon footprint. Besides giving up on using those polluting resources for power, we can also decrease the use of plastic and other products that create pollution by simply being made.
What benefits does sustainable living have?
There are many good things that come from sustainable living and we are going to enumerate some of the most important ones. For instance, the obvious one is using less and less resources and decreasing the dependability and reliability on them. Those resources are things like oil, wood, gas, water, coal and so many more. There are also some bad, powerful and harmful chemicals that we even use in our homes for cleaning and other things like that. We can reduce the usage of them by making our own cleaning products out of natural ingredients and store them in reusable natural packages such as glass jars or paper or natural fabric. The most important and motivating reason and benefit for going green is saving money.
Everything is cheaper when you don’t need much to live your life peacefully. You are creating less non-degradable waste and trash because you buy less commercial polluting products. While you change your lifestyle in a green sustainable one, you might find yourself wondering if you really need that many things, if you honestly need all the clothes (fashion changes every year) or if you could start making your own wardrobe. You can also live in a smaller home, because it is easier to warm it up, clean it and less power to use. Speaking of which, you can turn to green power solutions, like solar power or wind power. There is actually a program that evaluates the usage and efficiency of the electricity that powers your house and it’s called the EnerGuide home evaluation. On top of all this, you develop skills and knowledge you wouldn’t ever believe. You will learn how to make things yourself, how to take care of your own body, health and environment, it will develop a civic sense and responsibility in you.
A few things you can do to change things for the better
There are a few behaviors that if you pick up on gradually so you’ll never have a hard time changing your lifestyle. To start off, you can try to reduce your usage of plastic, so, for example bring your own water bottle, your own fabric bag for shopping or whatever you can replace. There are some shops that sell eco products in eco packages, so you can go there to buy your daily grocery list. There are even some tutorials that teach you how to make your own bags and you might have fun with that. You can also stop using paper for everything, like tissues, toilet paper and so on. You can use handkerchiefs or just wash off everything. For wiping, replace the paper towels with regular ones or reusable cloths and this way you won’t be throwing money in the garbage together with the used paper. If you go out for dinner or any other meal and you cannot finish the food on the plate, you should bring your own container to take the rest to go. It may seem a little strange, it’s true, but it is avoiding the plastic containers from the restaurant. It’s even healthier, as the warm food may degrade the plastic, which can become toxic. Making your own cleaning and make-up products from natural ingredients is not that hard. You can buy everything you need with less money than you’d spend on the “regular” ones, which, let’s face it, can get pretty expensive. For taking the make-up off, for example, you can use cloths and coconut oil and it sometimes is even more effective than the usual make-up removers you find in the stores. Even spices can be made at home, you just have to dry some veggies and grind them. And since we are in the veggies segment, the best food you can get is the one you grow yourself. It’s true, it’s a bit complicated if you don’t have a garden, but you can grow them as inside plants.