The difference between a spiritual advisor and a psychic is always an interesting topic to discuss. Traditionally, spirituality is often associated with religion but in fact, spirituality is wider than that. Spiritual is broader than just religion and a set of rules. On the other hand, psychics are often misunderstood as someone who deceives or invites others to go towards something negative. In fact, many people think that if there are many psychics who use dark powers from the devil. In this case they too narrowed their understanding. Being paranormal does not mean that we become devil servants. As with spirituality, the psychic term is broader than just people who use the power of the devil to influence others. The point is that we can recognize the true psychic by using those tests showing the spiritual ability.
Spiritual counselor
What is a spiritual advisor? This is very important to know before we go further. As mentioned above, spiritual advisers are often associated with religion. In fact, most spiritual advisers are very religious people, but again, a spiritual adviser does not have to be someone who has a preference for a particular religion. Spirituality is about freedom and of course spiritual values can’t be limited by certain religious norms.
Actually, chaplains are people who guide others to find their own spiritual path. The spiritual advisor/counselor does not dictate to others. They are not compelling, but they only provide insight into what paths a person can take to find his spirituality. Basically they only practice the art of spirituality they have to help everyone who needs to get a balance between human success and human expression.
A chaplain can act as a pastor in the church, Hindu prayer on the slopes, and Buddhist monk in the temple or whatever. But their purpose is the same, namely to guide others to find their spiritual path. The spiritual path chosen can be different from the path taken by the counselor. So the point is that a spiritual counselor gives “spiritual freedom” to each of his clients.
In the Bible, the word spirituality is often spoken. This term is very closely related to the Holy Spirit from God. But along with the development of the era, in the 11th century, spirituality in Europe had quite different meanings. This term refers to the mental aspects of life that are distinguished from the material aspects of life. In the following centuries, spiritual practitioners in Europe began to recognize the spiritual aspects of the Eastern World and this introduction enriched understanding of spirituality in general. The meaning of spirituality is never the same again.
The combination with Eastern elements makes meditation a more important part of spirituality in the Western World. Of course old practices are still not forgotten and East Asian culture only enriches without changing the core of Western spirituality.
What about the psychic?
Psychic is more than just guiding someone to find the way of spirituality. This profession tends to provide spiritual-based solutions to every client in need. Here we can understand the essence of the difference between a spiritual advisor and a psychic. There are several differences between the two.
Psychic comes from the Greek word, psychoicos which refers to the human soul. On the basis of this understanding, it can be stated that psychics are someone with extrasensory perceptions that are used to carry out identification processes in hidden meanings. What is the hidden meaning? The hidden meaning is a meaning that can’t be perceived or seen by the normal senses. Psychic is very related to storytelling habits. The storytelling habits in human history can’t be separated from astrology which emphasizes the power of stars and planets in determining the course of human life. Spiritual counselors do not need any astrological knowledge because they do not require any extrasensory perception to guide their clients. They might be connected with so called clairaudient but they’re not tied to it.
Does a spiritual counselor need a medium?
Medium is what is closely related to the paranormal world. But the medium is not always used by every psychic situation. There are also many psychics who don't use any medium, especially those from Southeast Asia. Many Southeast Asian paranormal do not use any medium as they only use their instincts in providing spiritual solutions.
Spiritual counselors do not use any medium. If he is involved in a religious organization, he may use objects related to religion but these are not mediums. They are assistive devices rather than prerequisites for holding spiritual assistance.
For many psychics, the medium is something that must be there when they hold spiritual assistance. Many psychics in the Western world use a kind of pendulum or “magic ball” that allows them to know what others don't know. Others use the medium abilities to read the fortunes and fortunes of clients.
Tarot reading is a popular term in the past few decades related to its accuracy. Tarot reading may be classified as spiritual reading but not all spiritual reading uses Tarot cards as a medium. This is a pretty clear answer for everyone who asks about the difference between Tarot reading and spiritual reading.
Clairvoyant as part of the spiritual world
The clairvoyant is an important part of the spiritual world. They are in a paranormal group and the same as before, not all psychics are fortune tellers. Clairvoyants have a special ability to predict events that will occur in the future while ordinary psychics can’t predict future events. A psychic who is not a fortune teller only focuses on solving problems with the help of his spiritual abilities. He doesn’t do more than that. Of course this explanation is accompanied by the assumption that he doesn’t promise what he can’t do. Usually, Tarot reading is used by clairvoyants while those who do not use the medium often can’t predict. In many cases, fortune telling always requires a medium but not for cases such as throwing ghosts out of the house. To expel ghosts one does not need to use the medium. There are many people who are able to cast out ghosts with spells and of course spells are not physical objects that can be considered as a medium.
Striking difference
From what has been discussed above we can find several other differences. In general, spiritual counselors often talk about love. They are positive people and always base their advice on what is called a conscience. While psychics are people with spiritual abilities who try to provide spiritual solutions to their clients. They don't need to be centered on love and what's important in their world is that their clients have real solutions to their problems. This does not mean that psychics only promote “something dark”. What we are trying to express is that the hallmark of psychics is providing real spiritual solutions regardless of the context of love.
What can be concluded is that spiritual advisers and psychics are elements of the spiritual world even though they work in “different fields”. The spiritual world is a vast world, wider than just motivation, love, Tarot reading, medium and so on. Humans are spiritual beings and they can find their respective spiritual paths according to what they want. Hopefully this article can answer your doubts about the differences between spiritual advisers and psychic. If you need more info, you can go to Quora’s answers.