What is a fundamental practice for developing higher consciousness? Carving out time just for you can seem daunting at times, however the benefits returned actually create the feeling of more time. Once you begin a ‘time for you’ practice, the more you will desire it and the more you will benefit.
Spending time alone can come in many forms. Running alone, sitting alone, walking in nature alone. The keyword is: alone. Here are some tips to make the most of your alone time.
- Incorporate Sound. Sound makes energy tangible. choose something that allows you to be quiet in your mind in the midst of the run, sitting, or walking. It can be instrumental music or specific words chosen from a trusted source. The main point is to still your mind and allow thoughts to pass by as clouds do in the sky.
- Connect with the Earth. Appreciate your connection with water. It is the physical essence of you. Develop daily practices that allow you to appreciate this connection. Learn about and appreciate the moon cycles, the seasons, the tides and how they relate to you. Outside be an acute observer. Look at the shape of the clouds, a leaf, watch a bird at different bird watching sites, observe a flower and all its parts.
- Keep a journal. Record your thoughts, impressions, questions. I use the DayOne app and password protect it. If it’s a paper style, put it away where it will not be seen. This is your private space of exploration and for working through the tough stuff. It's remarkable what expressing yourself with words can achieve. If this feels awkward at first, remember this is another practice that gets easier over time.
- Develop a hobby that involves only you. Think of something you have always wanted to do. Don’t put it off. Gather some tools and begin. Set aside some time as often as possible and enjoy the process.
- Do something pleasurable or even funny alone. Take a bubble bath. Watch a funny movie or reread one of your favorite entertaining, uplifting books.
Be aware: This practice of alone time should not become a ‘just another thing to do’ practice. Nourish and cherish you for just being you. Your alone time should be fluid, lively and quiet at the same time.
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.