Wellbeing has been a big talking point of 2020/2021. The pandemic has forced us all to take a look at ourselves under the magnifying glass and improve our lives and learn to make the most of things. Here we have listed some small things you can do to improve your overall wellbeing.
Take More Exercise
Exercise is good for us in many ways. Of course, it has the physical benefits of helping us to maintain a healthy weight and build up fitness. However, it also has a positive affect when it comes to our mental wellbeing too. You don’t need to overexert yourself. Even short 10-minute bursts of walking round the block can leave you more alert and improve your mood. Make sure you fit time into your schedule. Yoga is a great one for this too, you can actually finish a yoga session feeling more relaxed.
Be Careful what We put in our Bodies
We all can be accused of over-indulging in food and alcohol – but we should always be careful about what we put in our bodies. Of course, there is the obvious – such as eating fruit, and vegetables and avoiding processed foods – but we also should take responsibility for educating ourselves about the ingredients in the products we consume. A perfect example is 3 in 4 people are unaware there is plastic in chewing gum, and chew on it regularly. Make sure you understand what you are eating and drinking.
Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is a good way to improve your mental wellbeing. You should try to practice gratitude every day. There are lots of ways you can do this. You can start off each day thinking of something you are grateful for. It could be people you are close to, it could be your home, it could even be a favourite possession. You can create a journal where you write things down each day that you are thankful for. By doing this, you will notice the good things in your life as they happen.
Take Time to Do Things You Love
There’s something we all have lots of at the moment: time. That gives you the opportunity to take extra time to do things you love. Although there are certain restrictions – that doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can’t enjoy. It could be something as simple as reading a book or taking a bath. Whatever it is, make sure you put specific time aside. It could also be a chance for you to learn a new skill or hobby. Many people have been learning new languages, taking up photography, or even sewing.
If you want to try a hobby that will exercise your logical thinking skills, such as lock picking, you need to have a quality lock pick set. For beginners, it's not going to be as easy as you think, but it's going to be fulfilling once you've sorted out your first lock. Acquiring such a useful skill may also be very useful in the future.
It could be that you are a little overwhelmed and anxious as there are still so many restrictions on our lives – or it could be that you have just understood how important it is to take care of yourself. Hopefully these tips will help you on your way to improved wellbeing.