Your security is the most important thing you have. It protects your life and the lives of your family, which is your most precious possession. It protects your property such as your car and home (which are your second most important possessions). Finally, it tells a potential violator that you are not going to let them take your belongings or put your family's life in harm’s way all because they thought their needs outweighed your safety and sense of security.
Home safes offer a sense of security to thousands of people who rest better at night knowing their important valuables such as cash, jewelry, or important documents are within reach while keeping them far away from thieves.
Whether you are hiding the cash that you use for emergencies, valuable jewelry, letters, or financial statements, having a safe place to put it is paramount.
Below are ten important reasons to have a home safe followed by some links that you can use to do your research on the best ones.
1. Protection from Thieves
As mentioned before, having a small safe protects you and your family from thieves who might come into your house during the day and try to steal your valuables.
You can put documents, handguns, jewelry, and many other essential items that will fit in your safe in this unit. Thieves will not have access to it, and they tend to think they are too heavy to carry with them. If they do take them with them, it is tough for them to figure out how to break into it.
2. Protection from Natural Disasters
In the event of a natural disaster, some of the most important things that you should protect are not readily seen with the human eye. They are things such as your Will, insurance policies, documents with identifiable information, and other things that cannot be replaced.
You may also want to use a safe to put valuable pictures of people who have passed on such as grandparents and others. These things cannot be recaptured. In a fire, flood, or tornado many of these items are found later if they are safely kept in a small safe. If you have them loose in your home, they will likely be destroyed.
3. Document Safety
Important documents that include information with your social security number on it, tax information, last wills and testaments, deeds to homes and other things must all be protected. A small safe offers a way to protect these important papers where others cannot access them. Still, you'll be able to access them anytime you need them.
4. Identification Protection
You need to keep thieves away from your personal information and identification so that they could not pose as you and create transactions or financial situations that could endanger your financial security.
By keeping your identifiable information in a safe, you will avoid having loose papers around in the event of a burglary or natural disaster.
5. Jewelry Storage
Jewelry is a material investment that often is worth a lot of money and you need to protect it. With a small safe in your house, you can lock up valuable and expensive jewels so that people cannot access it. At the same time, you'll be able to access your jewelry anytime you want with the use of remote control or keyless entry.
6. Cash and Credit Cards or Bank Records Storage
Something few people think about but should think about is the idea that your bank could be destroyed or leveled in a natural disaster as well.
What if your entire bank was the victim of a fire or natural disaster such as a flood? How would you prove that you had accounts with that bank? There will be online information, but their server could be down as well. Having a small safe for you to keep backup copies of your bank information could save you a lot of trouble in this sort of situation. Credit cards and other financial documents can be kept here as well.
7. Tangible Investment Security
Gold, silver, and other precious metals, as well as bitcoins and other potentially valuable tangible assets and investments, can be kept in a small safe.
Banks do not keep bitcoins, and treasury bonds are also kept by the individual. These things must be locked up and kept in a situation that is similar to a bank, but the bank will not do it. Having a small safe solve this problem and gives you access to them when you need them that keeps them safe from fire, disaster, and theft.
8. Guns and Protective Items
Another reason to have a small safe is to have a place to keep your gun for protection. Your handgun must be within easy reach when you need it while keeping it away from potential Intruders and criminals. You also need it locked up in a safe place for children where others cannot get to it. Using a remote control and keyless entry, the small safes are lifesavers and they protect the valuable things you own.
9. Life Insurance Policies and Wills
What would you do if your life insurance policies were destroyed or your last will not be able to be found in the event of your demise? You might think the company would have a backup and would send it to your family. But that is only if someone has your account information and numbers to call to ask for duplicate copies.
If you lose the original, and you do not have any other copies or information as to the company that holds your policies, your family may never get their benefits. Your last will and testament also must be kept in a safe and secure location to be open only in the event of your death. These kinds of important legal documents must be kept safe and away from prying eyes. A small safe solves this problem.
10. Journals or Legal Documentation
Private journals and legal documentation are important to keep private. You need to know that, in the event of a robbery or natural disaster, your private thoughts would not be read or shared with others.
Keeping a journal in safe guarantees that only you have access to it as long as you keep your code to yourself. Small safes can offer an extra bit of security so that you can keep your private thoughts private.
There are other reasons to have a private safe, as well. If you have trouble misplacing things, a safe can help greatly. It's harder to lose something that is in a heavy safe that you have to use a combination to open.
All of these situations require some sort of system to keep your data or possessions safe. Look at these small safe reviews and see which one might fit your needs.
In the event of a natural disaster such as a fire, you would need fireproof safes to keep your valuables safe from fire damage.
Once documents are ruined by smoke and fire damage, it is hard to restore them. Think ahead and look at these best fireproof safes to decide which one is best for your needs. And rest better tomorrow.