Have you ever find yourself going through health magazines or scrolling through social feeds without seeing the words keto and paleo? The most common answer would be no. Since both of these diets help lose weight and maintain your perfect summer body, hence they are followed by many. As they are trendy, many of us tend to lump them together and puzzle up their different approach for the same goal of weight loss as a similarity.
What are they, how do they contribute to your health, and how do they differ, all of your queries will be answered in this paleo diet vs. keto guide.
What is a keto diet?
Keto diet stands for the ketogenic diet; it rose to fame as a therapeutic diet for treating the kids who had epilepsy in the 1920s. Hence, the keto diet has a historical record of disease management and not weight management.
The keto diet is high fat and a carb deficient diet that helps in creating ketones that thus produce energy instead of glucose.
What is a Paleo Diet?
A paleo diet is a way of eating that is patterned after nomads. The people who used to be hunters and gatherers are surviving in the paleolithic era. The basic concept behind the paleo diet is to return to the paleolithic era, thereby consuming food that was common to early humans. The primary hypothesis of this diet is that farming fudged with the natural diet of humans.
The reasoning behind this theory is that the introduction of farming led to a change in the staple diet of humans. This rapid change could thereby not be habituated by people, consequently leading to factors like obesity, heat strokes, and diabetes.
Foods in common
Both of these diets share some common foods like meat, eggs, nuts and seeds, spices, healthy fats, and oils that come from menus, such as avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oils, and oils are derived from nuts such as walnut oil.
Key Difference
There are minor distinctions in foods of both diets. The paleo diet focuses on unprocessed and whole grains. So, they have a larger share of fruit content in their diet than a keto diet. Also, the paleo diet restricts dairy food as they think it would contradict their ideal of the paleolithic era. Whereas the keto diet utilizes dairy food as it based on high-fat consumption.
A paleo diet is generally not a low carb diet, neither a high-fat diet; thereby, it can be utilized anyway. But a keto diet is specifically high fat and low carb diet. The keto diet is designed to cut down on your macronutrient to lose weight, while a paleo diet is an approach to overall health management.
Keto or Paleo
Paleo diet is an approach to a healthy lifestyle based on a hypothesis, whereas the keto diet is a way to manipulate your macronutrient to lose weight. As long as you are comfortable with eating foods included in the paleo diet, which fit your appetite and lifestyle, there is no requirement of cutting down your macronutrient.
If you cannot go on a low carb diet smoothly, then the paleo diet is the best alternative to a healthy life. It does not restrict the amount of carb intake; rather, it includes food that is wholesome and full of fibers. Thereby filling appetite quickly and avoiding issues of over-eating.
Foods that both the diets omitted in both keto and paleo
Certain foods are excluded from both menus. That would include grains as they are under the category of processed food, and for a keto dieter, it would be a high carb product. Both of these diets do not include beans and legumes like peas, peanuts, and lentils. Both of these diets would omit the sugar as they are the primary reason behind weight gain.