Organic products are increasing in popularity and demand, and many companies and manufacturers have entire lines dedicated to organic products. But what exactly does ‘organic’ mean? What qualifies as organic? How are supplements they are made into, and the organic product itself, work?
What is Organic, and What Does it Translate to as a Product?
Organic can refer to a lot of things, but in this context it primarily refers to things produced or involved in the production of things without use of chemicals or artificial agents. They are revered as clean and pure, high-quality, healthy products, ones that will not harm you or your family.
To qualify as a Certified Organic product, at minimum 70% of the product’s ingredients, by weight, have to also be certified as organic. This does not mean that all of the organic products must be grown in a specific location, only that they are eco-friendly, pesticide-free, and not genetically modified.
If a supplement is labeled as “natural” but not “organic,” chances are high that the company behind them opted to make a synthetic vitamin rather than an organic, natural one. To be labeled as a natural supplement, the supplement only needs to contain as little as 10% of natural forms of the vitamin it advertises – meaning up to 90% of a natural vitamin could be synthetically produced chemical.
Manufacturing an Organic Product
Harvesting and processing ingredients for an organic product is not an easy task by any measure. It’s incredibly labor-intensive, but allows you to be intimately familiar with what goes into your product, and know that you’re making something well worth your efforts. Everything from weeding the farm your ingredients come from, to selection and harvest is done manually. Ingredients need to be extracted from the whole source.
Every herb, fruit, and oil needs to meet federal quality standards, and should be inspected and tested at least twice before being incorporated into a finished product or capsule. From there on out the manufacturing of the herbal supplement you wish to produce is almost identical to regular handling and production. It is more difficult work to add onto a company, as well as at a higher cost, but it is absolutely an investment well-made in a world where consumers are staying informed and health-conscious.
How Does the Product Actually Work?
Western and Traditional Eastern medicine both use synergism of a product or herb to have fantastic results in treatment and supplementation, and organic supplements are no different. Many organic supplements are for specific uses – sleep aids, dietary supplements, increased vitamin intake. But, there’s no one, wonder plant that offers everything you need wrapped into one supplement, and so many are comprised of combinations of herbs, fruits, and natural vitamins.
There are a lot of factors that go into how – or how soon – a supplement will work, such as:
● Severity of deficiency
- How bad was the deficiency when it was noticed? Has a doctor or specialist been contacted, and if so, what did they suggest?
● Supplement dosage
- You may be taking too little of a supplement, but the solution is not to take an unbelievably high dosage, either. There are toxic levels of any substance, even organic supplements, so consult a professional and always read the label.
● Absorption rate
- Absorption rate and dosage go hand-in-hand. If you over-consume a supplement, your cells won’t be able to handle it and will overload, making you sick. Only consume what can be safely absorbed into your body.
● Supplement quality
- Make sure that your supplements come from a reputable company, because there is not always a regulation on supplements, and not every company feels a need to inspect their quality.
● Cause of the deficiency
- There are many potential causes for deficiencies: genetics, side effects from medications, poor health habits, stress. Find the cause of your deficiency, and it will help you figure out how to treat it.
● Diet and Health Habits
- Supplements are designed “in addition to” what is readily available to your body, not “in place of.” Make sure you eat a proper diet, get the necessary sunlight every day, and sleep well.
While even an organic supplement won’t sure all of your problems, a quality, certified organic supplement will bridge nutritional gaps for your body and allow you to live a healthier, happier life. It will work with your body on a cellular level to be sure that you have what you need, but you have to choose the right supplement for what you want to accomplish.
When it comes down to it, supplements are there to assist what is already available to your body. They contain herbs and extracts that will bridge any gaps in vitamin deficiencies, or that will treat certain ailments or problems, but they are not meant as a cure-all for everything, even if they are organic.