Nowadays when I hear the words “New Age”, it kind of makes me nauseous. I’ve never liked labels much, and whenever someone would ask me what I’m into and hear me rattle off a list of crystals, moon rituals, and manifesting, I usually would have the same label splattered on me time and time again….”Oh, so you’re into all that ‘new age’ stuff?
What I could never understand is that there’s nothing new at all about these topics, rituals, bits of esoteric knowledge, etc. and in fact, these teachings have been around since the dawn of time.
Regardless of the label, I didn’t mind being thrown into a certain group because for as long as I could remember it actually seemed filled with genuine, good-hearted souls who wanted nothing more but to learn and grow spiritually and do whatever they could to serve humanity by sharing what they’ve learned in their own unique ways.
And while that is true to a point, I’ve met some of the most incredible people in this “genre” if you will, at some point it became tainted with competition and greed, and perhaps I’ll even dare to say over-run by ego-driven guru types that seemed to think it’s okay to charge tens of thousands of dollars for mere hours of their time, all in the spirit of “knowing your value.”
While I have learned how important it is to know your worth as a human comes from within, there are some who will play on the fact you are simply even at this stage in your spiritual progression, and because they know exactly where you are, will convince you that because they obviously made it to the next step you perceive to be the one ahead of you as well, they must show you how worthy you are, by having your prove you’re willing to spend a ridiculous amount of money on their “programs”.
Again, this is justified by saying that people will be more committed to the more financially invested they are. And while I can agree to a point, where do you draw the line? Where does it go from showing someone they are “worth it”, to playing on someone’s insecurities? Especially if they equate commitment with the time they are willing to invest and yet are lucky to get an hour of personal time with these spiritual “mentors”.
Luckily, I’m the type of person who always tries to see the positive and I try to build on every mistake to let it serve me in my spiritual growth. I’ve seen what was once a movement of sharing knowledge and means to help ourselves reduce stress and increase personal bliss become something so commercialized where now it seems the importance is if you have the most expensive yoga pants, or if you know someone who knows someone who knows Deepak.
I can literally feel the forces of ignorance, selfishness, ego press against the underlying spirit of altruism in the spiritual community. From Sedona sells-outs with their tourist-driven over-pricing to the likes of those who compete for the most crystal healer certifications have created a vibe of separation in what was once a funnel of acceptance. And while there remains an infinite supply of ancestral knowledge and energy in the mere creation and essence of this so-called movement into a “new age”, if we are to truly ever get back to its roots, we need to be willing to remember where it all began which is truly a very, very old era…
There is where the stories of Truth reside and remain for all to the seekers of original sight to find in the records of eternity. And that’s the kind of news that never gets old! 😉
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
Yet another beautiful and timely piece…thx!!!
Yet another beautiful and timely piece. Thx TR !