Nature’s basic rule is everything in balance to maintain harmony. Our bodies and minds are no different and the thoughts we think act energetically just like the food we choose to put into our bodies. Our thoughts can be nourishing and fulfilling or they can be detrimental to our mental health; which in turn eventually affects the health of our physical body as well. Everything is connected.
I’ve heard we humans have 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day! That is quite a lot of opportunities we have to pave the way for how each of our days plays out, regardless of what “happens” to us. There will always be things outside of our control and to best maintain what I’d best describe as a state of neutral being (zero-point), is to first accept that as fact. Second would be to accept those things you cannot control not as things “out to get you”, or stuff that always happens to you (no matter what you do), as these kinds of thoughts and phrases put and keep us in a state of victimhood.
Zero-point is that space in existence where manifestation and creation occur. It is where time does not exist and everything just IS. It’s where the opposing sides of duality meet and conjoin and where the extreme ends of polarity come together in the middle. Some might say zero-point is the silence spoken of in Zen meditation and others might say that enlightenment is merely continual living in zero-point.
I wanted to touch on that a bit more as it gives foundation to how we create our reality through manifestation; whether we are consciously aware of this fact or not. And how close we are living to zero-point can ultimately be used as a reflection of the level of peace and happiness in one’s life. I can say this confidently as the farther we go from center, the farther we go from our authentic truth, our Divine Self, and we begin to enter the worlds of duality and illusion.
This is where disease and disorder come into play and both can act as reflections of thoughts that do not serve us or a miscommunication of the body with the outside world. By this I mean, if we are continuously telling ourselves that we are not good enough or undeserving of happiness, then we are also communicating this to the cells in our body. Our cells use our perceptions as means of communicating with the world outside; much in the way, they would react by creating a blister after you burn your hand on the stove, or if they react to raise your body temperature if you go outside without a jacket in 30-degree weather.
The 5 senses and organs such as the skin are not the only means for our cells to get outside information. Our thoughts tell them the state our minds and our minds are a huge part of the creation and manifestation process. The actual process also requires emotions, feelings, and beliefs to be behind the thoughts and takes places in the heart center (in the area of the Anahata or 4th Chakra). And when the thoughts, emotions, feelings, and beliefs come together in the heart center, they are sent out into the Universe as a manifestation in an energetic form of intention. Again, this process occurs in each and every human whether they are consciously aware of it or not.
Things that happen that are out of our control can definitely cause stress to the mind and body. The train being late in the morning for example; now this could lead to you starting to have thoughts about how late you’re going to be for work and how mad your boss will get, etc. You could start to get so anxious that you snap at the lady who keeps losing her balance and leaning into you. You could get so heated and lost in your thoughts that you trip and fall off the steps and hurt your ankle. A number of things could happen, but just always remember how like attracts like. That’s the one thing I always go to in a moment I feel like I just might lose it.
That…and I’ve trained myself to not get caught up in other people’s drama. It’s so easy to want to sit and watch a couple argue over something incredibly petty, but why? Why do we feel drawn to that energy? I imagine it’s the same reason Jerry Springer ever lasted on TV so long or why there’s such a thing called rubber-necking when it comes to car accidents. We are FOOLED by our senses; drawn and intrigued by what is OUTSIDE of us and often times losing sight of and forgetting to pay attention to what is going on INSIDE. But the treasure we all seek is within ourselves and that is the greatest discovery any of us will ever make in a single lifetime.
I believe another great discovery would be that we ARE nature and in that, we are to maintain that same balance. And we do with our thoughts and feelings. Emotions are way-showers; they simply let you know that something is definitely there that needs to be looked at and when something no longer annoys you, angers you, etc. then, as they say, the lesson is learned. Emotions are not meant to be clung to and held onto for great lengths of time. To maintain balance, simply flow with them. Sit with and go through your emotions…feel them out, then let them go. This is how we serve them and allow them to serve us in harmony.
When we apply the same principle to our thoughts, we begin to see our lives shift in huge ways. We can now see the difference clearly in situations where we have control and where we do not, and when we do not, we can peacefully surrender the outcome, trusting fully in the Universe. This allows us to stay centered; in zero-point without “losing our cool” (acting from ego), over things we had no chance in affecting the outcome in any way. This is smart self-conservation of energy or as I’d rather describe it, self-love.
When we apply this filter, we reserve our energy for battles we know are worth fighting. I don’t even like using that word necessarily because there’s nothing to fight when you flow. Yes, you still incur obstacles in life like everyone else, but you retain a sense of trust, not only in the Universe but also yourself that things DO happen for a reason and all it as it is meant to be. This is not a state of surrendering as in giving up, but rather as in giving IN to your innermost knowing.
Not everyone knows that we as human possess this power over our own thoughts, but I truly believe that more and more of us are waking up to this fact. And as with the theme of this article, the energy spreads and that can only mean good things from the perspective of expanding consciousness on a global level. As more and more of us start asking the right questions and looking in the right place (within ourselves), as a collective we are starting to change and shift universal imprints over time.
And this is why it is so important to watch your thoughts with care and to check often your own belief systems to ensure they are truly your own at the core-root. We receive so many imprints and core beliefs as children that are from other people such as our parents, teachers, friends, etc. that stay with us well into adulthood. Some of these beliefs are often the cause of recurring issues in our lives and we never see the connections until we go back and look over certain events in our childhoods to see when and why these beliefs were formed. Then and only then, can we realize that we are not damaged, we are not broken, that nothing is wrong with us. We can finally know that just like everyone else, we have shadows that just need a little light. And once we take the time to heal and integrate our shadows (with loving acceptance, not as something we need to get rid of), we are free of the weight of carrying around the energy of other people’s belief systems.
That is a good example of energy we can control and shift in our lives, even if we may not know it at the time. And it’s definitely not an easy feat by any means to heal or even discover your own shadows. But once you do, and you start to love yourself in the way that you deserve, you will begin to see a world that loves you back twice as much.
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.