Source: Mulligan Brothers MOTIVATION
The journey between one part of your life and the next will take all you can muster in your mind. You have to discipline yourself to achieve and accomplish more in your life.
“Am I practising self discipline in my life? Am I doing the things that I should do because I need to do them or am I kinda waiting to feel the moment? Do like our friends NIKE says ‘Just Do It'”
“When you're in a unforgiving world and gravity is unforgiving; it doesn't care. It never takes a day off – never. And if you make one mistake it can kill you. And what I learned is that, yes I wanna do interesting things, I wanna climb rocks, I wanna climb Yosemite, and I wanna do things to pump my adrenaline. But I need the discipline to always do the right preparation.”
Watch and be motivated today!!