John Vibes | Truth Theory
Martin Luther King, Jr’s daughter Bernice King tweeted an image this week, which featured a photo of the recent killing of George Floyd, in which a police officer kneeled on his neck, next to a photo of former NFL player Colin Kaepernick, kneeling in protest against police brutality. In her caption, she pointed out how some of the people who were furious over Kaepernick “taking a kneel” on the football field, seem unbothered by images of a police officer kneeling on a man’s neck.
The police department justified the killing by claiming that Floyd was resisting arrest, but security camera footage taken of the moments that he was put into handcuffs show that he was fully compliant with the officers.
The videos taken by onlookers show that Floyd was pleading for his life as officer Derek Chauvin held him to the ground by his neck. He told the officer that he couldn’t breathe and that he was in pain, but he was not resisting arrest at any point in the footage that has been made available. Even if he was resisting, officers are not authorized to use that brutal technique on suspects.