It’s been a long time since the world heard Einstein coin the term “spooky action at a distance” when he was referring to Quantum Mechanics. And yet, here we are over 70 years later and we still have questions about this weird and strange branch of science. And perhaps it can be considered so strange due to the amount of spiritual concepts it must allow in order to work; and let’s face it…mainstream science has never quite liked anything “mystical” that could not be argued with cold-hard facts and proven beyond a doubt to be true. But mainstream science has no choice these days as the branch of Quantum Physics IS starting to prove itself and this is not only opening new doors, but also paving the way for the worlds of science and spirituality to finally stop being at one another’s throats and to finally start working together.
I like to think that the universe is our interdimensional playground. It is as a space for creation to take place and that it does, no? The vast wonders and creations of the universe and nature are some that contain such immense beauty they can literally steal the breath right from you, but for now let’s focus on what we, as co-creators are here to do. We are not mere observers in this creational space, we are also players in the cosmic game of creation, and to me the entire point is first figuring that out, and then mastering your unique gifts of manifesting creation into the world. You know you’re onto something when you are simply happy with your life and are living in congruence, resonance and harmony with your authentic self.
Even the great spiritual leaders of our time have spoken of this joining together of science and spirituality which if you ask me holds the essence of one of the highest spiritual virtues behind it: unity. Teachers and speakers such as Gregg Braden, Bruce Liptop, and Nassim Haramein are bridging the gap and leading the way for new and innovative ways of bringing together two worlds that for centuries lived worlds apart.
What does this have to do with Quantum Physics? Well, everything is energy and I believe that energy can push us or can be pushed. Certain situations call for different types of energy, but regardless one thing that is vital to creating the life you want is awareness of your power as a creator and consciousness behind the energy you are putting into the things you do (and do not do) each and every day of your life.
Quantum Physics can teach us a lot about harmony, resonance, balance, and interference and the following video by the World Science Festival is simply put, amazing! It’s a long one at nearly 1 hour, 40 minutes, but if you’d like to learn not only the basics of Quantum Physics as well as how Quantum Waves work in shaping reality (very cool stuff here!) then you have just got to check it out. I promise it will be worth it!
Video Source: World Science Festival
If you’d like to watch a much shorter video on science and spirituality featuring the incredible Deepak Chopra, please see below. In just a few short minutes, he explains how the expanding universe is comparable to a reflection of all of us. As observers and creators of our own reality, we too expand as we gain experience, knowledge and consciousness.
Video Source: Scienceandnonduality
Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, one thing that the worlds of science and spirituality can agree on is that they are getting closer the more each expands, and there is such beauty in that especially when we apply that on a personal level as well.
“Nature is not matter only, she is also spirit.” – CG Jung
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
quantum physics is about reality of the two worlds that we have deal with everything is about dual simplicity
Dielectric universe theory is blowing quantum mechanics out the water with its recent findings. Quantum is dead!
it takes more brains and guts to be a person of faith vs an atheist. people just want to be different and get attention. throwing away huge chunks of your life to try and b cool or get attention seems silly and selfish to me.