When truth resonates deep with in, it is as if a warm, healing and nurturing oil flows over ones head and slides easily over the entire body. Soothing, relaxing, speaking to your soul. It, this truth deep within, overcomes fears and provides a peaceful state.
Your truth will express itself as your faith grows. No one need to convince you of it or of anything – it is revealed in your heart and truth always resounds with truth.
Universal Law
Growing in conscious awareness creates space for truth to reside. Truth is unique to the individual and broad to all. It is a universal law: for all people, all times, in all places. Truth is the speech of the Divine, an inner knowing for outer manifestations. It walks through life responding, not reacting. Guided by a higher purpose, to know yourself and realize the light you carry within has great healing potential. Living your truth expands your energy. As an energetic process, you become whole and in your wholeness you shed light to others.
Truth is the highest form of knowledge. It is the essence of wholeness. It is the understanding of the enlightened. It is the empowerment of the free.
The Greatest Activity
When we do not live by our truth we are like a floating candle. It drifts with the currents of the water, the movement of the wind and is extinguished by rough circumstances. When we live by our truth, we remain steady and our flame is not extinguished by the wind or the currents of the water.
Finding your own truth and living it is the greatest activity that you can pursue. It is from here that life is purposeful, joyful, creative, lively, fun, productive and inspiring.
How do we find our truth? We must learn to go within, to go into the silence, the quiet place between thoughts.
If I am not living my truth, I feel it. It’s a signal – a call to make a change. Subtle at first, but significant and shifting. I thrive as I live my truth.
Why Living by Your Truth Matters?
- Aids in overcoming fears
- Provides a peaceful state
- Expands your energy
- Leads to wholeness, thus to health
- Creates space for a life that is purposeful, joyful, creative, lively, fun, productive and inspiring
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As a home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing.