Can you imagine feeling safe, loved, and divinely inspired–no matter what is happening?
While that might feel improbable or even inconceivable, it's good to imagine it being possible, and know that some of us are doing our best to live this way.
This topic came up after I heard from my friend, Ross Pittman of Conscious Life News:
Dear Cynthia. I love your latest article and video that you did on my request. It makes perfect sense and adds to my understanding of the nature of reality. My quest these days is to understand the nature of reality as much as I can. Even more, knowing who I am. And more than that, living my life in a manner that reflects that knowledge. I'm so glad we met. It's truly an honor to know you and to call you a friend. You, more than anyone I know, seem to live your life from the non-dual space of your eternal self. Hey, that would be a good topic. Can you teach people to be like you?
Much love,
I received a couple of other related queries this past month, wondering how to return from the bliss of meditation into the relative chaos of daily life. People who meditate know it feels great to attain blissful meditative states. But how can we be our best selves when we're not in those pure meditative states?
Meditate Daily
Dedicate regular time and space for meditation, choosing a type of meditation that works best for you. You can try out combining a favorite activity with a favorite way to focus your attention, such as walking in nature while clearing your mind. Or you can breathe slowly while focusing on slowing your thoughts down until they stop, and savor the experience of no-thoughts for a while.
With regular meditation, it can be possible to access a state of infinite, eternal, unconditional divine love, and a deepening faith that you are safe, loved, inspired, and protected.
Align Levels of Self
First of all, we can be our best selves by tuning in deeply to who each of us truly are, rather than by attempting to copy someone else. Each of us is completely unique, with specific gifts, insights, and viewpoints that are not quite like anyone else.
I recommend starting with awareness that each of us is a multitude, consisting of levels of conscious agency, including our heads, hearts, and guts. This matters, since we can sometimes get wrapped up in what we've been envisioning based on various ideas, despite feeling misgivings or very different inclinations from other levels of ourselves.
At each of these three broad levels of being (head, heart, gut), we can sense very different kinds of knowing. We may notice that these levels of self awareness seem to have different views of our world, and different ideas about what we're doing in this moment now. When we notice such differences, we can receive gifts of deeper understanding regarding how some situations might have silver linings and deeper opportunities to better come to appreciate ourselves and how we relate to the Cosmos.I've sometimes been startled to notice that despite thinking I was completely of one accord with regard to a particular matter, I've inadvertently adopted an idea or vision that apparently was not in optimal harmonious alignment with all levels of myself. Such awareness is possible at times when I've been sick or suffered an injury, resulting in my being unable to press onward and upward with what I had in mind as quickly as I'd hoped.
Savor Each Moment
I feel a sense of caring connection, when slowing down and savoring each moment. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, said,
“Reforms by advances, that is by new methods or gadgets, are of course impressive at first, but in the long run they are dubious and in any case dearly paid for. They by no means increase the contentment or happiness of people on the whole. Mostly,they are deceptive sweetenings of existence, like speedier communications which unpleasantly accelerate the tempo of life and leave us with less time than ever before. Omnis festinatio ex parte diaboli est–‘all haste is of the devil,' as the old masters used to say. Reforms by retrogressions, on the other hand, are as a rule less expensive and in addition more lasting, for they return to the simpler, tried and tested ways of the past.”
I resonate strongly with this philosophy, which I've lived in accordance with from childhood on, inspiring me to decline adopting some technological advances, such as cell phones. There is no need to decline any and all technological advances, but rather there can be great contentment and satisfaction in working more (rather than less) closely with Nature and the natural world.
Love Yourself and Others
We can sometimes be distracted by what people are doing or saying that seems wrong to us. Those who cut corners and choose expedient rather than quality options can seem to be more part of the problem rather than the solution now—yet in a cosmos where God always says, “Yes,” such choices are bound to be made.
By choosing to maintain goodness, sanity, and clarity even when some people are spiraling downward with fear-based beliefs, you can provide a living example of consistently making the most love-based decisions at every junction. This is the time to embody the one you've been waiting for, and as much as possible to radiate God-consciousness and unconditional love. This is the time to be kind and loving toward everyone, including yourself.
By keeping your heart open and loving to all, and daily powering up and recharging with infinite, eternal divine unconditional love, you can now be safe, loved, and divinely inspired no matter what events may seem to be unfolding in your life and the world. And you can share blessings of infinite, divine love with everyone and everything you feel connected to.
In our participatory cosmos, there can be advantage in asking questions you truly wish to live the answers to, such as, “How good can it get?” Just adding these five words to whatever you're contemplating can be enough to invite more positivity into your experiences in the world.
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Jaffe, Aniela and C.G. Jung. “Memories, dreams, reflections by CG Jung.” Trans. Richard and Clara Winston. Glasgow, UK. William Collins Sons and Co. Ltd. (1977).
Larson, Cynthia Sue. Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World. 2011.
Larson, Cynthia Sue. Shine with the Aura of Success. 2010.
Larson, Cynthia Sue. Aura Healing Meditations. 2003.
You can watch the companion video to this blog here: