By Brianna Acuesta | TrueActivist

The infamous host of InfoWars, Alex Jones, is currently in the middle of a custody battle for the three children he shares with ex-wife Kelly Jones, whose divorce was finalized in 2015. Though the original divorce settlement determined that Alex would have custody of the children, ages 14, 12, and 9, with limited visits with Kelly. However, Kelly is now pursuing joint or full custody because she claims that Alex is “unstable” and that the persona he uses on his radio talk show is genuine.
Surprisingly, Alex Jones and his attorneys beg to differ. His attorneys are reportedly using the argument that Alex’s persona is just that. Randall Wilhite, his lead attorney, stated in trial,’
“He’s playing a character,” and that he’s a “performance artist.”
If you’re unfamiliar with InfoWars, perhaps the best term to describe Alex Jones’ is a “conspiracy theorist,” in which he is one of the people that ardently claims the Sandy Hook and Pulse nightclub shooting were fabricated by the government and that Hillary Clinton is assuredly running a pedophile sex ring out of a pizza joint in Washington D.C. He has been at the head of many unproven scandals and uses his website and YouTube as a platform to post his videos.
His ex-wife has said that despite what his attorneys are saying about the authenticity of his content and beliefs that she knows that he’s being genuine on his show.
“He’s not a stable person,” she reportedly told the court. “He says he wants to break Alec Baldwin’s neck. He wants J-Lo to get raped.”
“I’m concerned that he is engaged in felonious behavior, threatening a member of Congress,” she added, referring to Jones’ recent rant that included allusions to violence about Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California. “He broadcasts from home. The children are there, watching him broadcast.”
On the way to trial one day, Alex himself broadcasted from his car that his personality on the InfoWars videos was genuine, going so far as to say, “I am completely real and everybody knows it.” He later deleted the video after Kelly’s side said that this could have been a violation of the judge-ordered gag rule surrounding the case, but many suspect that this was his attempt to keep his viewers despite what his own attorneys were saying about him in court.
Kelly believes that Alex is a bad parent and setting a poor example for their children, and even told a mental health counselor back when they were in the process of getting a divorce that Alex was “verbally, emotionally, and sexually abusive.”
In return, Alex’s camp came back and said that Kelly was the one that’s mentally unstable, claiming that she had bouts of “transient psychosis” that made her unfit to properly watch the children. Though Kelly’s side has conceded that for a time Kelly was mentally unwell, they said that this was because of Alex’s brazen attempts to drive a wedge between her and her children, which is why she initially agreed to the original custody agreement.
After having had time away from Alex, she has resurged and decided to seek a better custody arrangement, something that Alex has no intention of allowing which is evident in these long and expensive court battles. In this day and age, it’s hard to say whether Alex Jones’ videos are authentic, especially when his lawyers are saying he’s playing a character while he rants about other “fake news” websites.