Source: Strange Things
In 1997, actor Kurt Russell observed and reported a strange phenomenon, the “Phoenix Lights,” while flying in his private plane as he approached the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Little did he know that it would end up going down in history as one of the most emblematic cases of ufology.
Russell, during an interview on the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), said he was flying his private plane into Phoenix on March 13, 1997, when he spotted the phenomenon that came to be known as the Phoenix Lights. Russell, a licensed pilot, reported the lights to the control tower at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and may have been the first person to officially report the sighting.
The Phoenix Lights (sometimes called the “Lights over Phoenix”) were a series of widely sighted unidentified flying objects observed in the skies over the U.S. states of Arizona, Nevada and the Mexican state of Sonora on March 13, 1997.
Below is a partial transcript of a Kurt's interview on the BBC:
BBC host: An unidentified pilot, according to the press clippings, was flying near an airport in Arizona with his son when he spotted six lights in the night sky. So he called from the airplane to air traffic control to say “I'm seeing these lights here. I wasn't expecting any other planes. There's none supposed to be my landing path. Can you tell me what's going on?” They said there are no other planes, and he said “I am seeing six bright lights coming towards me.” Mystery unresolved!
Kurt Russell: Except – the tail number for that plane was Bonanza 2 Tango Sierra, and I was the pilot.
BBC host: No way!
Kurt Russell:
Oliver and I were flying – I was flying him to go see his girlfriend. And we're on approach, and I saw six lights over the airport in absolute uniform, in a v-shape. And Oliver said to me, I was just looking at him and I was coming in – we're maybe a half a mile out, and Oliver said: “Pa, what are those lights?”
And I and then I kind of like came out of my reverie and and “I said I don't know what they are.” He said, “Are we ok here?” And I said “Yeah I'm gonna call.” And I reported it. And they said we're not painting anything, we don't show anything. I said, “Well ok, I'm I'm gonna declare it's unidentified – it's flying and it's six objects.”
We landed. I taxied, dropped him off. Took off. went back to LA. Never said a word; he never said a word. I never thought of it
Two years later, Goldie is watching a television show when I came home. And the show is on UFOs. But as I'm, I came home, “Hey honey, how's it going?” I'm kind of hearing the TV going. I stopped and I started watching and it was on that event. Now that was the most viewed UFO event – over 20,000 people saw that.
And, I'm watching this and I'm feeling like Richard Dreyfuss in “Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind.” Why, why do I know this, you know? And it's not clear to me. And finally, then they said that a pilot reported it – a general aviation pilot reported upon landing. I had never thought of it since then and I said:
“That was me! That was me!”
And, I said wait a minute. I'll go to my log books. So I went to my logbooks and there was the flight at that time and I didn't mention anything about the UFO.
The fascinating part of that to me is that it just went literally out of my head yeah. And Oliver never mentioned it. And had I not seen that show I'd have never thought of it again. That to me was the weird part.
Let’s face it, things won’t get REALLY interesting until a few of these UFOs land.
OK. New Years Eve and I’m on my deck and I notice two triangle shape objects way above me but they are stationary. Not all white lights but they never move. Are there drones that look like that? Regardless, I can’t wait for a landing.