Karma by definition is the sum of your experiences from this lifetime as well as previous lifetimes balancing themselves out. Often we ask ourselves, “What have I done to deserve these types of experiences? I am a good person and try to do the right thing, yet I keep having bad luck and experience challenge after challenge.” The answer to these questions has to do with karma and the soul's journey.
Why Me?
It is quite possible that you have in another lifetime or in this lifetime been the aggressor or taken advantage of another soul and now must experience the opposite perspective to have a deeper understanding of how our thoughts and actions affect others. Honestly, no one has “bad luck”. Our misfortunes or unfortunate circumstances may be the result of past life experiences, this lifetime's experiences, limiting belief systems or challenges that the soul has chosen to take on for its own evolution. It is often hard to fathom why the soul chooses these experiences, but the fact of the matter is that the soul has the most growth when challenged and overcomes negative patterns, belief systems, and struggles.
I'd also like to point out that our karmic experiences are not only the actions that we make but they are also our thoughts, emotions, and intentions. Just because we did not follow through with a negative thought, it does not mean that the laws of karma do not recognize the unhealthy intention, thought or emotion. Be mindful of what and where you give energy and intention to.
Here's The Good News!
The good news is that we can correct and minimize the negative karma that may be scheduled to head our way. By being a proactive participant and observer in our lives, we can recognize and catch ourselves when we notice a pattern forming or redirect our potential negative reactions (thoughts, words, and deeds) before we add to the negative karma bank account. The process of correcting and healing our negative ego is the main purpose of having this Earthly experience.
The Karmic Bank Account
There is good karma and bad karma, therefore all karma is not bad! It is human nature to focus on the negative events of our lives but by giving equal attention to the positive and awesome experiences we have, we bring in the energy of gratitude. Gratitude automatically is deposited to our good karmic experiences and is quite effective in evening out negative energetic boomerangs.
Karma Timeline
Karma isn't always instant, so please be patient when you are trying to be positive and are doing the right thing. People often give up and become discouraged and have a negative disposition when they do not experience an instant shift in their lives. This is the tricky part of karma, it is often a mystery when the tide will begin to change. In the meantime, keep forging ahead with your intentions of creating good karma.
What About Other People?
The only karma that we need to concern ourselves with is our own. Every action has a reaction and if other people have intentionally or unintentionally hurt you, there is the cosmic 2×4 that will be heading their way, either in this lifetime or in another lifetime. If we are consumed by revenge, we are creating negative karma for ourselves. The best thing to do in these frustrating circumstances is to surrender our negative thoughts and intentions to the spirit and redirect our reactions.
Now that we understand that there are cause and effect in our lives that are not just related to this life but is an accumulation of all of our lifetimes, we hopefully can shift from disempowerment and victimhood to a proactive, consciously-aware light being and create more positive and good karmic experiences in this lifetime as well as our future lifetimes.
Here's to an abundance of good karma coming your way!
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Laurie Barraco is a professional intuitive counselor, medium, author, recording artist, teacher and the owner of The Mystical Moon, a healing center in Fort Myers, Florida. Laurie offers readings, courses and healing products through The Mystical Moon Online Store. You can connect with her at The Mystical Moon Facebook Page.
man listen … wow
Don’t seek vengeance, karma will take care of it. Karma is that thing that sends you spiraling back to square one, hopefully a better person…or wash-rinse-repeat.
The verse reads; For every good deed that you do a good deed be done unto you. It is vice versa if you do a bad deed.
Thank you for that reminder. Namaste
Whatever that emanates from you be it good or bad will come back to you.
Yes , almost similar to the Newton’s third law of motion !
Karma is what i truely believe in no needtevenge in my case coz i sure get to see them hurt worse all my life along so as i day no need to seek revenge or curse i don’t either let karma get them is all i say
Don’t have belief in it personally, but nevertheless it teaches a positive moral lesson (Y)
Thank you for this article, so enlightening, it gives me peace. I have been knocked down and I just pray hard.
Just be good to all and you gona be happy person!!!❤?❤?❤??
It can work with you or against you… It can be a never ending circle of giving or one of never ending viciousness
Nesuit Ma’at Auset
I suppose one can try to create good Karma by doing good things; but, if something bad happens–despite the best of efforts–then, let it. Sometimes, you have to take the bad with the good.
How does Karma decide who is at fault and who is rewarded? There are parents that believe in spanking their kids and parents that don’t believe in spanking the kids…some invisible force called karma decides which one of the parents will have punishment returned to them and which one is rewarded? Sounds like something somebody made up so they wouldn’t have to take responsibility. Cause and effect is very real, but karma……hogwash!
Karma it’s something about what you have done in the past, its either negative or positive side you have done and it will return back to you. ASAP.
For every action there is a corresponding reaction…