I love my sunlit garden every morning before the physical sun rises. I feel as if I can do anything, be anything. In my garden everything is available to me. Why? Because all exists not within me but around me. The field it is called by some. Even a drop of water can hold all the mysteries and intelligence of the universe. Am I any different than the drop of water? In my sunlit garden, resources are abundant and clear. No fear, worries or judgements exist. It is beautiful. I will take this garden into my everyday life. I will celebrate the synchronicities that lead me to my highest, best self. I will draw to others that are like minded.
Fear doesn't live here
In my sunlit garden, I have nothing to defend because I am complete. I have no one to impress because all is perfect. Fear does not resonate within me, nor will it ever.
My compass is set on joy, that is my true north. My heart and eyes are transfixed upon joy, that is where I am complete.
There is a ‘knowing’ from within and what we have come to know as the past, will be known to us as glimpses in the present. These are “inklings”; an inner knowing that there is more. This leads to a quest to have more understanding and confirmations. It is a drive to expand, to love, to create, to experience true liberty and self expression. It is a desire to draw close to others experiencing the same. The feeling of connectedness is strong and comforting. There is a feeling of relief and of profound gratitude.
What is belief?
- It is imagination set free to visualize the best for yourself and others.
- It is an inner direction and affirmation to truth.
- Truth that resonates in every fiber of your knowing and your being.
- It is pure and refined, no dross.
- It is free and unrestricted.
- It is grateful, living, steady, pure, focused and always looking forward.
My friend, you say you don’t have a sunlit garden? You do, it is within and is always available. Mine is especially accessible early in the morning. Be well and enjoy your sunlit garden often.
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, creating, and trail blazing.