I am inwardly focused, not outwardly dictated. This makes my everyday choices ridiculously easy. Add focused concentration and you have the recipe for a life changer.
The Choice in the Matter
The so called “news” of the day, shouted to us from the media has little place in my life. It's the details that matter, so negative reinforcement produces negativity. I choose to listen and look at things that make a positive impact in my world. I look for the news of my yard, what's growing, chirping or blowing past. I choose to listen to the news of my friends, ‘what good is going on with you'? I choose to listen to inspirational recordings, how is their life impacted and how do those that are positively motivated make the world a better place? I choose good music that makes me feel good. I choose good literature. I choose to express myself in writing or drawing.
How am I inwardly focused?
I am motivated by what makes me feel good so I can wholeheartedly serve others. I make time for solitude so I can mediate and have an impact on my subconscious. Through correct knowledge, I grow in understanding and this leads to transformation, a metamorphosis for a new me. I am free from prior conditioning which keeps me limited and stuck. I am free to choose what truly makes my heart sing.
What makes my heart sing? Freedom, abundant time to follow my passion.
What is my passion? Encouraging others to live free and follow their passion
Why? Because that makes a beautiful world filled with beautiful news.
What We Focus on Becomes our World
Perception is everything. Our world can be bright or dark, it's our choice. It can be easy or painful, it's our choice. One thing it can't be is lazy. Because lazy equals poverty and poverty is a companion of the dark and painful. Productivity is a momentum builder and when you build momentum change occurs and when change occurs new things sprout like: Ideas, friends and funds for living. These things don't occur because we are using people, but because we are adding value to another's life. This is the world economy. This is also a universal principle: I add value and I get rewarded. I have the necessities of life: Food, shelter, good relationships and I'm happy.
“In every man’s soul is a course mapped out, a chart and compass for his guidance. If he consults his own chart and follows it he finds there are no collisions. His course is a true orbit, where all intruding matter is dissipated before it reaches him.” Elizabeth Townsend, Joy Philosophy
Be well and happy my friend. Tune in to the real you, not the news of the day.
Peace, love and joy to you, Julia
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, daughter, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.