Health insurance. We all need it but all too often expats living abroad will not take the time to research and get proper health insurance that covers them as they live and work abroad. That is why I have put this piece together, so you don’t have to worry about being stuck without good insurance.
Let’s jump in.
Private vs. Public Health Insurance
You probably already have done your research and found that health insurance Hong Kong is pretty good. It’s cost-effective and covers what you need. However, you may also have noticed that wait times, as well as English-speaking staff, is a challenge, to say the least.
Private medical, on the other hand, offers you personalized service with English-speaking professionals and considerably shorter waits and appointments. If COVID-19 has taught us anything thus far, its that having access to developed and effective healthcare is a #1 priority.
Surgery and Rehabilitation
Another significant advantage in private healthcare is the accessibility to a variety of specialized professionals. Often basic coverage is limited when it comes to diagnostics and wait times for surgery. In fact, one study showed a 7-month wait expectancy in generalized surgery!
With private health insurance Hong Kong, you have access to convenient appointments and the personal attention you would expect from your native country. Currently, there are nearly a dozen registered private hospitals that offer general and luxurious accommodations. Highly reputed insurance firms such as Trusted Union, provide a detailed list on each of these locations as well as direct quotes for insurance policies.
Cost and Coverage
When most people here private health insurance Hong Kong, they usually thing extremely high premiums or inflated medicine and surgery costs. Surprisingly, private health insurance is not that much more than public care. More importantly, you get what you pay for with access to the treatments you need. Here are some examples of what your coverage will include, should you choose to go private:
Outpatient Care
The most popular coverage to date, outpatient care covers everything included for inpatient care, such as medicine needed while undergoing treatments in the hospital. It also covers expensive testing such as CAT scans and MRIs and other diagnostics.
For cancer patients, inpatient care also covers your treatments, reconstructive surgery, transplants of organs and tissue as well. Outpatient care covers all of this and then goes on to include specialist visits, prescriptions medications, as well as rehab and physiotherapy.
Another popular coverage is maternity health. These services cover every part of your pregnancy from prenatal appointment to delivery. In the event of emergencies, procedures like c-sections are also covered. Your child will also have coverage when born.
Take Away
Don’t put off getting proper health insurance until something happens and it's too late. Choosing health insurance Hong Kong should be a priority. Private is a great option for efficient and excellent care done by English-speaking professionals that covers a wide range of services. To get a quote, reach out to an established practice, such as Trusted Union.
About the Author
Written by Meghan Hale, a content writer at and editing machine. You'll find me yelling at my dog to stop barking, whether it be at the neighbours or on a long afternoon walk.