You can create meditations that work best for you very simply, so you have a variety of possible meditations you can practice regularly. Here's a quick way to zero in on meditations that actually work best for you. First choose a favorite physically relaxing activity, and then select a favorite mental focus. When you combine these two, you'll have a customized meditation technique that's exactly right for you.
There are big advantages to those who meditate: everything from improved health, increased happiness, reduced stress, and greater prosperity. In addition to these perks, people who meditate also find themselves surrounded with happy coincidences and delightful synchronicity. Things just seem to go their way.
There are so many ways to meditate, it's good to try some different kinds, and discover what works best for you. Some people meditate while walking, others while gardening, some while listening to music, some while paying attention to their breathing and clearing their minds of all thoughts. Those are just a few different kinds–there are many, many more. Once you know what kind of meditator you are, you can zero in on a method that works well for you.
1. Choose a Favorite Relaxing Activity
Simply doing whatever activity you find most relaxing is a form of meditation! There are more advanced techniques in which you can pay attention to your breathing and/or your thoughts. The most important starting place is thinking of the types of relaxing activities you truly most enjoy. People who love activities such as running, bicycling, or walking can develop their own form of meditation that includes those activities. Other possible relaxing activities you might consider include: listening to music; working in the garden; lying down on the grass; closing eyes and breathing deeply; watching clouds go by; and taking a hot bath or shower.
2. Select a Favorite Mental Focus
Whatever mental focus most appeals to you is the one to try. Some people count their breaths, some like finding shapes or patterns in clouds, some enjoy just letting their mind drift, others like to focus on letting go of all thoughts with each deep breath, and still others observe thoughts go by. I sometimes enjoy feeling energy flowing in my body, or noticing what state of mind I'm in. What sort of mental focuses most appeal to you?
3. Combine Favorite Activity and Mental Focus
The third step to creating your own customized meditation is truly simple and straightforward: just combine one of your most relaxing activities with one of your most relaxing mental focuses, and Voila! You are meditating! You can come up with several different types of meditations, to try them out at different times, and see for yourself which work best for you. If you try one meditation and find you don't like it, then try another one. You can find something you like, so don't give up!
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