The CBD industry is going through a phase of high growth, and you can expect this to continue in the years to come. If you are a newcomer to the world of CBD, you do have quite a bit of learning to do about CBD oil. Also, the use of CBD for therapeutic benefits is not a recent occurrence. Let’s look at its history.
CBD usage in ancient times
Sheng Nung, the Chinese emperor, used to drink tea infused with cannabis to alleviate various ailments, back in 2737 BC. If we look back a couple of centuries, Queen Victoria was prescribed CBD to help her get relief from menstrual cramps.
Modern CBD history starts in the 1940s. Roger Adams was the first person to isolate cannabidiol. He won a patent in 1942 for isolating CBD. He also happens to be the first person to identify THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)
The first CBD test carried out on lab animals was conducted by Dr. Walter S. Loewe in 1946, and these tests helped conclude that CBD did not alter the mental state of the animals who consumed it.
Professor Raphael Mechoulam.who carried out subsequent research on CBD, spent most of his life researching cannabis and marijuana. In 1963, Mechoulam and his fellow researcher Yuval Shvo identified CBD's structure. While CBD had been isolated earlier, not much was known about the structure it had until Mechoulam and Shvo identified it.
CBD history from the mid-1900s to the early 2000s
Dr. Mechoulam was intimately involved with research into CBD for many years. He and his team carried out a study in the 1980s to evaluate CBD’s effect on epileptic patients. The study was successful in its objective. However, it was not publicized as a breakthrough since there was a substantial amount of stigma around cannabis usage back in the 80s and 90s.
California legalized medical marijuana usage in 1996, and 7 other states legalized it in the next 3-4 years. As a result, both patients and researchers had legal access to cannabis, and interest in CBD usage as a treatment for epilepsy, chronic pain, and other diseases grew.
In the early 2000s, people suffering from chronic pain started highlighting how CBD usage allowed them to obtain relief from various medical conditions such as arthritis, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. There were many documented cases of chronically ill patients who had benefited by consuming CBD oil. Two of the well-known people who benefited were Charlotte Figi and Rick Simpson.
CBD usage in the 2000s, and is it legal all over the US?
In the last two decades, people's attitude towards cannabis and CBD has changed drastically. CBD’s therapeutic properties are being used by thousands of individuals worldwide to change their lives for the better. As a result, the stigma that CBD usage faced has significantly reduced, and analysts predict that the CBD market is likely to exceed $22 billion in the next couple of years.
However, even today, CBD usage is not legal everywhere. You should always check the local laws regarding CBD wherever you live. But, if it is legal, then with interest in CBD growing exponentially over the years, you could think of becoming a hemp farmer to cash in on the CBD boom. If yes, then this guide is a great place to start if you want to explore what it takes to grow hemp.
In summary
The CBD industry will only grow in the years to come, as more and more people are getting to know about CBD oil’s health advantages. It is highly likely that a more significant number of states in the US and countries worldwide will reduce legislation prohibiting its usage shortly. As such, we can safely say that the boom in CBD has just begun!