With the Moon in Sagittarius aligning with Saturn we are not likely to be swept away by our feelings, which can make it easier to attend to our responsibilities.
Even so, with Saturn currently in its retrograde phase we could notice a reluctance to commit to an idea or opportunity, if it doesn't truly inspire us. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 16th April 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 16th April 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Moving your body and enjoying the sights and sounds of nature can be an opportunity to release any tensions that may have lodged in your system. And with Mars in the last few degrees of Taurus, you might relish a walk in the countryside or perhaps something more vigorous. On a social note, someone with an air of mystery may appeal greatly, even if you're unsure why.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Just when you think you have a handle on a situation, you may find that the matter needs to be addressed once again. With Venus now pushing forward and Saturn continuing to rewind, you might feel that talking about it is not as easy as it might be. But this isn't something that should be hurried. Over the coming weeks you can find yourself sharing some important insights.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you've wondered whether someone is telling you the whole story, then you may find out soon enough. But with a complex blend of energies showing up, it's very possible they have a good reason to keep certain things back. Perhaps the key is to let them explain everything when they are ready, which may be in a week or so. Even so, you can still enjoy quality time together.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A steady link between the Sun and cautious Saturn suggests taking any fresh developments with a pinch of proverbial salt. However, this aspect also hints that taking your time can pay dividends by allowing you to zero in on other options you may not have noticed first time around. And although the pace is slower in general for some weeks to come, this can work out well.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If someone invites you to a formal event, it could turn out to be very enjoyable in a way that you might not have anticipated. Indeed, there may also be opportunities for sparkling encounters and for conversations that could lead to further meetings in the future. Even so, if you don't feel like attending, don't push yourself. Instead, your horoscope suggest a pampering session and a little self-healing.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Dealing with close ones in as polite and respectful a way as you are able can keep things on an even keel, even if there have been issues within the family over the past week or so. However, by keeping the conversation going and accommodating their point of view, you may find they are willing to embrace your perspective, and with time might come around to your way of thinking.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It may seem that because of the amount of time you have spent talking with someone about a certain matter you should be an expert by now. But even though you may know a lot about it, you could feel lacking, especially if you need to act under your own initiative. Mind, don't let this faze you, as when it comes down to it, you may find you know far more than you think.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you've been denying yourself a certain treat, then perhaps it's time to give in and let yourself enjoy it. And if the cost has been an issue, then discovering a less expensive version could be an option. Furthermore, the present planetary picture suggests that if you're willing to look around, you could get an excellent deal. You may decide to snap this up if there are limited supplies.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Moon linking to the Sun and Saturn, you may appreciate the sense of security that comes with weekend routines you are very familiar with. But be this as it may, another aspect can also encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and explore other opportunities to enjoy yourself. If you do, the day may be even more lively and fun than anticipated, Sagittarius.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As Mercury rewinds in your leisure sector, plans could so easily change quite quickly, which is why it may help to be prepared. But this phase also has its benefits, as it might encourage you to consider arranging a reunion or perhaps catching up on a hobby that you once enjoyed in your younger years. And, if you do, you may well find this trip down memory lane quite delightful.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If a small misunderstanding with a friend seems to be ongoing, then the coming days could coincide with a turning point, especially if you reach out and invite them over for a coffee or a meal. It may be that due to other circumstances in their life they aren't as focused on socializing as usual, but with your encouragement they can be so much more amenable and upbeat.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may note an ambitious streak over coming days that could entice you to take the next step regarding a dream or personal goal. But it can also be that a lack of confidence seems to hold you back, and it may be because you are uncertain of your ability to get it done. Even so, if you can liaise with others who have achieved something similar, it might help you to feel better.

Our Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1998. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. You can enjoy Patricks forecasts every week on CLN. To learn more about his astrological, tarot and psychic services, please visit his website https://www.patrickarundell.com or get yourself a FREE Personal Horoscope @ https://patrickarundell.astrostore.net/list/free