By Patrick Arundell |
The above video contains an astrological overview for the week of 6th March 2017.
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Astrology Overview for March 06-12, 2017
The week begins with Mars entering its last four days in the sign of Aries which it rules. It continues to forge a very productive link was Saturn the planet of structure, so any plan which is well thought through, researched and executed has a fabulous chance of sustaining itself in the longer term. However with both of the Sun and Mercury in the sign of Pisces, at least for some of us this can be a week when we have an opportunity to be reflective, and to prepare ourselves for the new Solar Year which begins on 20th of March.
But there does continue to be along with Mars, the presence of Venus and also Uranus in the sign of Aries, so there is a contrast between these more thoughtful vibes from Pisces and the more go-getting energies that Aries brings to the equation. Furthermore Pluto, the planet of power, truth, secrets, and transformation is forging some significant links with other planets this week. The most positive of these is its relationship with the Sun. Here we can balance our intuition with some of our moves in a more worldly context. The things that we do behind the scenes, can be just as important as what we do in more obvious ways. For example, taking soundings, doing research, having confidential discussions with others can all turn out helpfully. If you feel that your efforts are not being recognized, they may well be observed, but just not commented upon. People in positions of authority could be much more tuned to what's going on in their environment than may seem obvious.
All of this is important to stay aware of, because Pluto is actually forging a jarring link to Jupiter all week. If you cast your mind back to the whole of November and half of December 2016 last year, this aspect occurred then. There can be a tendency to be more forceful and to push agendas harder when these two get together. What we need to do is utilize the fairness of Jupiter in Libra to try to resist the desire to go quicker than we are ready to do. Also Jupiter is forging a Quincunx with the Sun so it will be important to under-promise and over-deliver. There could also be a tendency to almost be too much of a people pleaser with this influence. Knowing what boundaries we want to maintain and what we will agree to is going to be important, otherwise we may find ourselves with an ongoing liability or responsibility that we could grow to resent.
Friday sees Mars storm into Taurus, where he will remain for the next six weeks. Here the emphasis is on improving financial foundations, and in the more romantic context enjoying the lustier side of intimacy. However Saturday and Sunday see Mercury squaring with Saturn. This aspect can provide a dampener to our outlook, see us be more pessimistic, feel that others are less cooperative, and basically look at things as a glass half empty rather than a glass half full. It’s going to be important to retain a sense of positivity and stay mindful of the big picture.
Sunday sees the full Moon in Virgo, but this is forging an obtuse angle to urine us the planet of freedom. Once more any situation which requires us to make a commitment needs to be balanced against our own need to do what's right for us as individuals. This Full Moon is also about understanding the more spiritual and emotional side of health issues, and when it comes to practicalities not ignoring that there can be nuances that do require awareness.

Our Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1998. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. You can enjoy Patrick's forecasts every week on CLN. To learn more about his astrological, tarot and psychic services, please visit his website or get yourself a FREE 12 Month Personal Horoscope @