By Patrick Arundell |
The above video contains an astrological overview for the week of 20th February 2017.
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Astrology Overview for February 20-26, 2017
The week begins with the sun newly arrived in Pisces gaining a foothold in this Mutable Water sign. Pisces is ruled by both Neptune and also Jupiter, and both of these planets are being hugely influential so far this year and will continue to be so this week. Neptune is forging a continuing and beautiful link with Venus the planet of love and relating, but also that of money. This influence asks us to be conscious of our motivations about what we desire. Venus is in detriment in the sign of Aries, but upside of this location is it that it can push us to go for what we want. With Neptune in the mix too, listening to our hunches can be very important, but equally we shouldn't kid ourselves about what our true motivations are.
Jupiter on the other hand continues in its opposition with Uranus, but with Mars alongside the planet of change from Wednesday through till Saturday, this is going to create a hugely stimulated set of planetary conditions. Why? Well when Mars and Jupiter get into opposition this can give us the sense that we are almost invincible. That any plan or project that we are involved in is almost certain to succeed. It's great to have this electrifying bolts of extra energy and confidence pulsating around the heavens, but equally we shouldn't promise more than we can realistically deliver. With your on us in the mix to its combination with Mars in particular can be quite volatile. Uranus in Aries is in itself intrinsically rather unstable, so with the ruler of Aries alongside, this creates a huge potential for sudden changes but not necessarily ones that have been well thought through. The desire for freedom, can be incredibly high. Restlessness and rebellion go hand in hand. Doing the usual everyday tasks can really lose their appeal. Generally most of us are going to be wanting a lot of stimulation. All this is very exciting but can lead to some impulsive moves that are not well thought through. Also, Pluto the planet of power, continues to square up with Mars for the whole week, and this really can lead to quite toxic environment, which may see some strident statements by world leaders, aggressive military moves, as well as political and social unrest.
Mercury is also forging a link to your on us itself in the first half of this week, so I think generally there's going to be a lot of emphasis on unusual original and innovative ideas, but ones which may upset the status quo. If you are someone who is a natural reformer, and loves to keep making constant changes in your life you will absolutely thrive on this set of circumstances. If however you tend to be someone who prefers to keep things on an even keel, and enjoy a degree of continuity, this could be more challenging especially if changes are forced up you.
Sunday also sees Mercury move into the sign of Pisces. Now I must be honest, this is not Mercury's favourite location. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and also Gemini, which in turn oppose and also square its transit through the sign of Pisces, so it is therefore in detriment. If we think about this in practical terms, Pisces is a dreamy, rather an ephemeral influence, was Mercury's primary role is facts and figures, and clarity around communication. This could be to diluted from now through till the 14th of March when he moves into the sign of Aries.
The Sunday also sees one of the most exciting events of the year so far, the annular Solar Eclipse also in the sign of Pisces. The real significance of this Solar Eclipse comes in its conjunction with the co-ruler of Pisces Neptune. Therefore over the next six months there is going to be a shimmering, potentially dreamy vibe prevailing. However for those of us interested in and more spiritual themes, healing, care for those less fortunate, and gentle peaceful pursuits, this can be an incredibly potent backdrop right through to August.

Our Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1998. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. You can enjoy Patrick's forecasts every week on CLN. To learn more about his astrological, tarot and psychic services, please visit his website or get yourself a FREE 12 Month Personal Horoscope @
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