By Patrick Arundell |
The above video contains an astrological overview for the week of 3rd April 2017.
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Astrology Overview for April 03-09, 2017
The week begins with two big events. First is the retrograde of Venus as she rewinds into the sign of Pisces. Whilst the retrograde is of course of absolute importance, Venus is very happy in the sign of Pisces, being as it is exalted, so there can be some benefits, but generally it points towards a time of reflection and greater sensitivity around all sorts of relationships.
The second big event at the start of the week, involves the waxing Quarter Moon in the sign of Cancer. This squares with the Sun in Aries. This combination points towards our desire to get-going and be positive and proactive (Aries) being challenged by the more emotional and homely instincts of the Moon in Cancer. It's important not to act against our own best interests, or to override our feelings or sixth sense on any key issue.
Venus also then goes on to forge a square with Saturn, which is going to last pretty well to the end of April. This is a very tricky influence, and if there are any chinks in any kind of relationship, it can be revealed during this period of time. It's possible that we will see the downside of relationships, more than appreciate their benefits. Little niggles ordinarily are not an issue, can become so much more. We also may encounter someone around a financial or business matter, who is much more conservative and cautious, and will find ways to not cooperate and be helpful. It is also possible that within ourselves we can experience a sense of isolation, or lowness, particularly if our relationship or love life is not operating as we would like.
What adds to this mix is that Saturn goes into a retrograde on Thursday, this week. This is going to tighten the pressure that this planet has impacted upon the sign of Sagittarius. This is the last of the three retrogrades that he goes through during his transit through each zodiac sign, and if we've really grappled with the lessons he has taught us before in Sagittarius, this retrograde can have much less of an impact. Knowledge remains very important, but this also can then transcend to points of view, and people can be more forceful or serious about their ideas due to this retrograde in the next five and a half months whilst this lasts.
However from Wednesday to Sunday there is the potential for some brightness, this comes in the guise of the opposition between the Sun and Jupiter. Although Jupiter itself is retracing his steps, this is one of those aspects which makes believe that anything is possible, and can add to our sense of confidence, and can be a larger-than-life vibe. Of course the trick is not to get so caught up in this, that we promise more than we can realistically deliver, so some caution is needed too, but hopefully it will help to some degree to offset the more challenging square between Venus and Saturn.
This is also a week when Mercury is been flexing his mental muscle in the sign of Taurus, along with the go-getting energies of Mars. Anything to do with creature comforts, material goodies, or more natural interests in contrast, can all be influenced and positively boosted by this earthy combination. However by Sunday, Mercury goes into the second of its annual retrogrades. For us all it's going to be vitally important to micromanage the detail of things, and to make sure that the things we can control we do so in a precise way. Crossed wires, and misunderstandings are par for the course with this particular retrograde, but I think in a broad sense we all need to be very vigilant about financial transactions, so do keep any receipts or invoices should you be buying things particularly online from anyone you don't know personally.

Our Astrologer Patrick Arundell has been a professional Astrologer since 1998. Patrick has a real passion for astrology and sees it as a tool which can help any person to gain greater personal awareness, to better guide their life moves. Patrick is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and his work appears on websites and in magazines and newspapers, globally. You can enjoy Patrick's forecasts every week on CLN. To learn more about his astrological, tarot and psychic services, please visit his website or get yourself a FREE 12 Month Personal Horoscope @