Are you thinking about getting your first horse? Perhaps you have recently invested in one of these beautiful creatures. A horse can be a great companion and is a fantastic choice of animal for people of all ages. For instance, once you get your horse, you can get your child enrolled in horse-riding lessons. Or you can learn to ride yourself. However, you do need to be aware that owning a horse comes with a lot of responsibilities. In particular, you need to think about the health issues that your animal might develop. These are some of the common health issues that you might need to handle or treat.

Similar to humans, horses can develop arthritis. Research suggests that one insurance company might pay out close to one million each year due to this condition. While slowly developing the disease can have a tremendous impact on your horse. Some of the signs include lameness, stiffness and swelling.
There are numerous steps that you can take to prevent your horse developing issues like this. For instance, you might want to think about cooling them down after exercise while riding on a variety of different services is also recommended.
While there is no cure for this condition, there are treatment options. For instance, you might want to think about a joint supplement. These can be taken orally. Or, you could consider massage therapy. An equine massage gun can help your horse by ensuring that its joints are less stiff, reducing pain.
This is the name given when a horse experiences abdominal pain. It’s not always serious but it’s important to make sure that you are providing your horse with the relief it needs. There are various signs including seeing your horse scraping at the ground or feeling restless. A horse with colic may also have a high temperature and an increased pulse.
If you want to prevent this condition, then make sure that you are regularly taking care of your horses' health and give them a routine that does not cause stress. If you already have noticed the signs, then it is important that you speak to a vet. You also need to give your horse breaks when they try to lie down or roll.
Gastric Ulcers
This is caused by an erosion of the lining in the stomach which can be painful for your horse. There are numerous sizes including changes to your horse's temperament. You might find that they are more subdued than usual, and you could notice physical changes too. For instance, the horse's coat could seem duller overall.
If your horse seems to be suffering, then it will be worth going to the vet. They will perform a gastro scope and offer medicine which can usually treat the problem in about four weeks.
We hope this helps you understand some of the health issues that your horse could develop, particularly as they age. Luckily, there are some great treatment options that could provide a great benefit for your animal and help ensure that they do have a great quality of life.