I've always been the type of person to question just about everything I was ever told. From a very young age, I sensed that what most adults were teaching me (even my actual school teachers) about society and my place in it, was not always necessarily true, but rather something that was either told to them that that's how it is, or it was simply their own opinions and beliefs. Prior to this realization I had thought adults knew everything…
But after asking too many questions about God one day in Sunday school, my Mother was told to never bring me back again, because my incessant questioning was disturbing the class. This didn't make sense to me as I thought, “How else am I to learn? To know?” and here I was being punished for simply trying to learn, so that I could actually know. So, I started to develop a serious resistance to authority because for me as a young girl, the trust bond had been irrevocably damaged as far as adults were concerned. I soon started asking myself, “Do adults really know anything?”
Being so young, however, it wasn't always easy for me to consciously understand what these resistance feelings were or where they were coming from when it came to what I was being taught. I later learned, of course, that this inner knowing, that gut feeling, was merely my own intuition guiding me. I have since learned to trust that voice with everything I have.
Core beliefs about ourselves, others and the world are formed and ingrained at a very young age. And if we're raised to believe that things are this way when they are actually that way, well it becomes simple to see how that might cause confusion and even chaos in our lives later on. If we never come to terms with the fact that many, if not most of our beliefs we carry today, were actually picked up and created as a child, then we will always see the world through a very opinionated filter; a lens that sees the world how we are, rather than how it truly is…
This is how so many of us live our lives, isn't it? We just go around bouncing our unhealed shadows of one another like reflections in a swimming pool. We may be the type of person who doesn't come through for themselves, and this will show up in our trouble with trusting others. We may accuse a lover of things we've done ourselves in the past. Or it may come from an unhealed past where there was betrayal and therefore now we have a hard time fully letting others in again.
This is exactly why personal relationships can offer so much growth, because when two people are putting their own “stuff” onto others, we tend to create situations that require us to really step up and show up (if we'd like to maintain the particular relationship, anyway). And while this can appear in our experiences as heart-break, a loss of trust, communication and self-esteem issues, what it really comes down to is that all of the “drama” is a result of our very own believing the illusion that anything out there is separate from ourselves. The one truth mystics and sages have spoken of for years is that we truly are ALL ONE. Now, this isn't to say the meaning of this hasn't ever been twisted and torn and bent to suit personal agendas.
With that being said, this week I wanted to write about the ongoing “truth movement” that has swept the globe in recent years, as well as offer some insight into how we can better tune into our own inner voice of intuition when it comes to knowing for yourself what may be inaccurate or disinformation.
Believe it or not, the spiritual community is heavily weighed with so-called gurus who lead from ego rather than heart, and whom tend to have mastered the art of taking money from people with low self-esteem.
While this isn't the norm of course, there are many whom are profiting off people's weaknesses and rather than helping people actually learn, grow and expand, they are monetizing these weakness to keep people living small. In other words, they place themselves above others and look to be seen in a position of “higher” knowing. But perhaps one of the greatest things I've ever learned personally is that we always have more to learn, and that once you think you're “done” learning, you've dropped out of your heart and into your ego.
I'm not claiming to have any inside scoop or that my opinion matters more than anyone else's. My goal in writing about this topic is to bring awareness to this often “hidden alley” of the spiritual community that many of us of us are not even aware of. You see, when I first discovered this online world of like-minded individuals I soaked it ALL up like a sponge. I was so ecstatic to find others just like me who saw the world a little differently than most.
I remember attending as many events and workshops that I could. And trust me when I say that 98% were absolutely amazing! But it's that 2% I'd like to focus on for a moment and share the time I had a healer tell me I needed her and couldn't ever heal myself. This was as when I realized that perhaps not everyone in this community is actually at the level of consciousness they claim to be.
It felt like my childhood realization regarding adults all over again…
But if anything, knowing this has allowed me to open my eyes to my own personal power. If it were not for the few “bad apples”, I don't think I'd ever retaliate with a newfound sense of confidence to pursue my goals and dreams. I'd still be keeping myself living small and believing the lie that I couldn't do it or that I'm not good enough.
So, today I thank those people (adults and false-gurus alike) for teaching me how to show up for myself and that I can trust my inner voice. It's quite easy to become a self-help addict in that we keep ourselves in a perpetual state of “I'm getting there”, and never allowing ourselves to come through and cross that finish line. But the more we learn to discern and listen to that inner voice of intuition, we can more easily detect when someone else is also being wholly untruthful or maybe only telling you half. Either way, knowledge is power and when used with loving intentions, your very own personal power can literally move mountains.
Have a whole, honest, and powerful weekend everyone! <3
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.