A short course in happiness.
There are 3 traits of the brain that in overdrive can get you drained:
- You feel the pain of others pain as your own
- Brain feels imaginary as real. Imaginary fears cause real damage.
- Brian can’t tell physical pain from emotional hurt
To find inner contentment and plentitude, cultivate deeper gratitude and compassion. Also, help others feel safe and cherished.
Brains that feel safe and worthy become happy brains. Happy brains, when they get busy with meaningful, creative, and altruistic activities, become VERY happy.
Bottom line: the pursuit of gratitude and compassion will make you happier than the pursuit of happiness.
People should show others how to be grateful rather than just being grateful , kind and forgiving as the way is to really get others to be grAteful too , peace
Nice comment thanks
Consciousness Junkie youre most welcome , hope you implement any good from me in your life, peace.
loving the fanpage
Train your brain not to say purdy, wanna, gada, kneedumb. Sounds like a bunch of babbling, hearing pertend all the time, I think they pertend their non words make as much sense as real ones if double emphatic hand gestures are used with purdy, wanna,gada, kneedumb.