Military basic training is a physically and psychologically intensive process that prepares recruits for deployment and various combat scenarios. While recruits do their best to keep fit and be ready for the physical challenges involved throughout basic training, most of them are not aware of how to reduce injuries both during basic training and out on the field.

Here, we share four key strategies on how you can do just that.
Muscle Elasticity
Muscle elasticity is one of the most critical physical qualities you need to accomplish basic training activities without injuring yourself. During basic training, you’ll jump from a vehicle or obstacle and land on uneven and hard surfaces. With the right muscle elasticity, you’ll be able to absorb the impact’s force, right from your ankle to the hip, and spring back to action.
Stretching and muscle elasticity exercises play a huge role in preventing injuries. Basic training procedures will definitely cause undue pressure on your knees, shoulders, and lower back. According to, a personal injury law firm, there are cases of recruits who get injured during the process – if you get hurt during basic training, explore your options.
Movement Preparation Exercises
A lot of basic training challenges strain your shoulders. During the basic training process, you’ll perform countless pushups, wear loaded rucksacks, and navigate various obstacle courses. That places your shoulders under a heavy load. Add to that daily lifestyle that requires spending hours hunched over a computer or steering wheel.
That’s why doing movement preparation exercises that involve stretching your body to prepare yourself for intense activity is critical to preventing basic training injuries. These exercises help stabilize the shoulders, hips, and torso and are best done during training or downtime. Enrolling in a movement training preparation training program can go a long way into reducing injury.
Rest and Recovery
Including time for rest and recovery throughout the basic training program is important as this is the time the body adapts to the stress of the intensive exercises. While basic training will push you hard and even provide limited time for rest, when you do, take advantage of that to help your body recover, repair, and strengthen itself in the time between training sessions.
Spending time on a foam roller or exercise ball following a day of training can jump-start the recovery process. The key is working areas such as the thoracic spine, IT bands, and the bottom of the feet. Your body will respond better to the demands of basic training when you’re proactive with recovery, getting enough sleep, and nutrition. This helps reduce the risk of injury.
Hydration is a major component of military basic training performance. If your hydration is off, you’re starting off at a tremendous disadvantage and your body can’t perform at its highest level during basic training. During intensive training, your body loses water at a faster rate. When combined with faster breathing and increased sweat production, you lose more water.
Without enough water in the body, you can feel the effects. Reduced energy levels, muscle cramps, dry skin, and dizziness during basic training are signs of dehydration. Poor hydration means reduced performance. Good hydration means getting the right amount of water right before, during, and after training, so you can perform better and reduce the risk of injuries.
Basic training in the U.S. military is where you’ll learn everything that it takes to serve. It’s also during this time that the military decides who makes the cut. Preparing yourself physically for basic training is not enough. You should incorporate more steps to reduce the risk of injury to yourself. These four strategies help you do that.