Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, is one of my favorite spiritual teachers. One of the topics he talks about frequently is what he calls “The Formula.” Below is a summary of the formula for your best possible life:
- Take action on the opportunity that contains the highest excitement (your highest passion)
- The highest excitement doesn’t have to come from a project or career.
- As long as an option contains even a little more excitement than any other option, act on it first.
- Excitement is your body’s physical translation of communication from your higher mind. Respond to it by acting on the excitement.
- Act on that excitement to the very best of your ability
- Use all of your skills, talents, imagination, and abilities in taking the action.
- Act to the fullest degree you are able to act.
- Keep acting on it until you have no more ability to act.
- When you can act no further, choose the next most exciting thing you are able to take action on
- Act on that excitement with absolutely zero insistence or assumption concerning the outcome.
- Understand that insistence is resistance. That is, insistence on a specific outcome, manifestation or path may prevent a better manifestation than you imagined.’
- The thing itself that excites you may not need to come to fruition. It may only excite you to take action to create the state of being in which the thing that needs to manifest can do so.
- Remain in a positive state no matter what manifests, because it’s not about what happens, it is what you do with what happens that makes all of the difference.
- Acting on the above four-part formula with integrity aligns you with and unlocks the complete tool kit of excitement that:
- Provides every form of support, abundance or information you need to enable you to continue to act upon your excitement.
- Become the driving engine that moves you forward
- Acts as the organizing principle of synchronicity that shows you what to act on, in what order and when.
- It presents you with the path of least resistance to flow through life.
- Connects you to all other expressions of your excitement no matter what form they come in.
- Becomes the reflecting mirror that reveals anything within your beliefs that is out of alignment with your true vibration of excitement (your preferred reality), so that you can examine it and let it go.
- It leaves nothing relevant out!