Numerology always speaks volumes. In 2020 we witnessed a clear parting of the waves, just as the Hopi Elders have prophecized, where one group of humanity heads into a high tech synthetic reality; meanwhile, those with spiritual focus are choosing the higher path, one that leads to 5th Density Consciousness. 2021 signifies that those choosing the divine route must focus on Eagle-Eye vision as we transition through the inevitable density of society and traverse the pandemic fall-out into the New Year.
We can do this. We've got it. But we must focus.
Rising Above the Storm
What does the Eagle do when the storm clouds gather?
While the other birds head for the safety of the trees, the majestic eagle does the opposite, he stretches out his wings and uses the energy of the storm to rise above it. And that's exactly what those on the ascending path are being invited to do in 2021.
But crucially, we must also take another metaphor from the mighty eagle. He does not disengage from below. Instead, using pin point accuracy he chooses where and how to engage, then does so with full commitment and energy.
If you allow it to, your soul will choose the engagements. And let's be clear, it won't always be pretty, you'll have plenty of battles on your hands as we traverse the storm, for too many people are acquiescing to the mainstream narrative, the propaganda.
Working with the Density
Even when you elect to fly as the eagle, you'll hit density. It's where your own inner attachments and karma suck you in. That's okay. Quickly recognize when this happens. But instead of hiding from it, physically turn into the density and unwind through by releasing attachment to a particular outcome. Work the situations through, applying something like Openhand's Breakthrough Approach.
Then stretch out your spiritual eagle wings once more and soar into the 5D sky.
Birds of a Feather
We're at that crux point in life right now. Do not lament the shenanigans of 2020. Humanity manifested this humungous mirror because of unconsciousness. It was necessary. But now what do we do with that? We can either cower and acquiesce, just as plenty in the mainstream is clearly doing. Or else we can choose to see the inverse mirror. See what you are not, and be inspired by all that you can be instead. Where the mirror presents in this way, the choices become obvious. That's where you'll need to summon the courage to follow the path of your soul's calling in 2021.
The Eagle is mighty and fierce. When the path is chosen, there's all-in commitment, energy and focus. There's no waivering. And where we embrace that metaphor, where you've picked up the soul's flow and committed to it, then the whole universe comes in to back you up. You positively use the winds of the storm to your own advantage.
It is for this reason that 2021 will be Openhand's Year of the Eagle. That's how our work and approach with you will be inspired. It's all about liberating your soul from each of the daily battles you find yourself in, to then stretch out your spiritual wings and soar once more into 5D skies…
If you resonate with the Openhand Approach, come and get involved. We'd love to host and support you.
From all in the Openhand Team, we wish you a successful and expansive journey through 2021.
In loving support
About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating the enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth's Higher Dimensional Shift.
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