Quantum Mechanics is the “science of the very small”; diving into the exploration of how matter behaves on a molecular level. You cannot study Quantum Mechanics without looking at how matter interacts with the energy of subatomic particles. In fact, it is energy that is the foundation of this entire branch of physic at its core.
So, what IS energy? Well, simply put energy = life and is manifested as waves. At a grand scale, these waves can be felt in our own fields as what we’d call good or bad “vibes”. All atoms give off and absorb energy and are constantly reacting to one another. And if we look at how a group of particles in the form of cells reacts to energy as a survival tool, we can gather a heaping pile of useful knowledge to apply to our own lives when making conscious choices. Consider it a life-lesson from our composite, minuscule selves.
When cells encounter energy in the form of force or information (it can come as either, but is simultaneously both), if the energy is life-threatening, endangering, etc. the cell knows to go in the opposite direction, to repel or retreat. Or it will open/close certain “switches” within the cell membrane activating different protein behaviors (this is a how a cell knows when to fight an illness, etc.) If a cell is forced into an unfavorable environment where it cannot survive, then disharmony arises and ultimately manifests as disease.
If a cell encounters a favorable environment where conditions encourage and support function and growth, it will move towards the source of that energy or “resonate” with it. It may sound funny, but some of the greatest advice I’ve ever been given was to talk to my cells, which I do daily! I thank them, tell them they are doing an awesome job, and let them know that I love being healthy! And I do this with the full awareness that my perception of my health overrides reality. How do I know this to be true and how can you? Just take a look at studies done with the placebo effect or hypnotism; both areas offer incredible scientific proof of “mind over matter”.
This all relates to the quote by Albert Einstein which states, “The field is the governing agency of the particle”. What is the field? Well, you could say that WE are the field. The “we” I speak of is the Self with a capital S that is the conscious awareness behind all thoughts. And what are particles? Particles are simply “matter”. And what is “matter”? “Matter” is simply the collective community of particles in various forms, all of which put out energy as a force which is why matter appears “solid” and impenetrable. So, we can conclude that consciousness trumps matter and even back then that Einstein was aware of this fact, which thankfully now is heavily backed by scientific research.
So, what does this have to do with empowerment and how can we use applications from Quantum Mechanics to empower our own lives? Consider the following…
Quantum Mechanics shows us that:
- We are all energy, which is infinite. As infinite beings we gain a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves; yet knowing we are not less than the whole. We know that simply by being OF the Divine, we ARE the Divine!
- We begin to realize that we are not victims of circumstance and that life is not just “happening” to us. We take on the awareness that we have so much more control over our own lives, health and happiness than we’ve EVER been told and that the core beliefs of victimhood so deeply ingrained in us all do not belong to us!
- We realize that what we put out ultimately comes back to us (as proven in wave resonance studies). So, when we act as an antenna that is broadcasting a positive message, those tuned in will hear you and your world will ripple the broadcast back into your life. We also realize this works with negativity as well and soon will not be willing to subjugate ourselves to those around us broadcasting a message that does resonate with our own. In other words, if you are surrounded by people who are doing nothing but putting you down, discouraging you, causing arguments where there could be discussions, etc. as you become more conscious of your own broadcast, you will no longer tolerate one that drowns yours out. This reminds me of the quote, “Don’t dim your own light because others are afraid to shine.”
“Surround yourself with people who reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel, energies are contagious.” – Rachel Wolchin
- We start to take greater care of our thoughts as we know now that they do harden into habits over time. And again, we know that thoughts are energy as well and that energy carries itself on a cellular level, where your body will react appropriately. You tell yourself that you “always have a cold”, then guess what? You have just created a self-fulfilling prophecy regardless of the initial cause that brought on the cold in the first place. It is the thought, the continuing core belief, that cause your cells to take it on as your reality and makes it so, and your worrying about it will keep it an undying continuation. Stress is THE number one cause of discord in the body!
- We’ve all heard of the periodic table of elements, but did you know that all elements except the noble gases create chemistry? Simply put, all other elements have an uneven number of electrons and spin with a wobble, and therefore are always looking to “hook up” or bond with other elements. Yet, noble gases with their even number of electrons spin in perfect balance on their own. What can we learn here? The elements out of balance are always looking outside of themselves to find balance.
Couldn’t we relate this to our own co-dependent relationships in how we try to find others to “complete” us? We could learn a thing or two from these noble gases which shine their own light and stand in their wholeness. What am I saying here? Take time to find your light within you and expand on it until it fills you up and shines out your entire being. We all have shadows and that’s OK. But take the time to shine YOUR light on them to heal, otherwise, they will be shown to you through the reflection of others in your relationships. When you take the time for self-love, self-knowing, and self-healing, you are giving to yourself of yourself…which is your greatest gift (your conscious awareness). That way, when you do seek to be in a relationship, it will not be out of need or necessity, but rather simply out of love… and a wish for two whole lights to come together and shine even brighter than they were apart.
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.